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> Topics > CULTURE > Architecture of Kherson

Architecture of Kherson


From history of architecture of Kherson

On age-old postals

The lost monuments are old houses of Kherson

Model of the Kherson fortress

Kherson to 1917

Herson 1958

Herson 1968

Herson 1982


08.10.2010 Greetings from "the city patches
22.06.2010 A gift is to the day of city
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19.02.2010 Be or not to be to pearl of Kherson?
04.01.2010 Communist monument on a monarchist pedestal
10.12.2009 Tayny old Khersona - on the day of well
08.12.2009 "By him, not living so long to Parade, we must to the closing dates..."
02.12.2009 Create a culture
13.10.2009 Monument Vsevolod Zabotina opened in the district "Korabel
28.07.2009 A revived history
27.07.2009 It is been Kherson, where to grow
21.07.2009 Eternal glory to the heroes...
16.07.2009 «Restoration» proceeds
16.07.2009 Here will be a city? Garden?
04.06.2009 Architectural competition
18.05.2009 As kill old Kherson
24.03.2009 A project got used
23.03.2009 «Kherson-giprograd»: he was created for the revival of Kherson from ruins
17.03.2009 Gubernator opolchilsja na pamjatniki i ulicy
10.03.2009 A kakhovskaya area will become more attractive
05.02.2009 A project got used
09.01.2009 A city without a plan is a money on wind
28.11.2008 Who does destroy a chess-sword center?
27.11.2008 Scandal on ruins
26.09.2008 That have – does not keep
01.09.2008 Khersonskiy lighthouse - the highest in Europe
08.07.2008 Reconstruction of buildings of Kherson: be or not to be?
08.07.2008 A "arm-chair of Ekateriny" is a revival of artefakta
05.06.2008 Take away your buildings
05.06.2008 Instead of a cafe - business center
05.06.2008 Small architectural khokhmy
05.06.2008 Area Hannibal want to build up a thoroughly
05.06.2008 Did prang what is not present?
12.08.1999 Admiral House Senyavin
2. 15.02.2012 20:29

 Какой старый и красивый горон Херсон. И правильно, что предпренимаются меры по сохранению исторических памятников архетектуры. Ведь только руины древнего Херсонеса являются визитной карточкой города. 

1. 11.07.2009 19:55

В Херсоне предпринимается попытка трехстороннего диалога "Архитектурное и историческое лицо города", одна из целей которого - сохранение архитектурных и природных памятников Херсона.

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