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> Tourism, rest, entertainment > Natural reserve Askaniya Nova by F.E. Falz-Fein

Natural reserve Askaniya Nova by F.E. Falz-Fein

Natural reserve Askaniya Nova by F.E. Falz-Fein

Official site Askaniya Nova

All animals live in a wild; some of them are watched by people. Most of the territory is covered by botanic garden with plenty of artificial lakes and ponds. There you can find trees and shrubs from different climate zones. It is a unique bit of nature on Tavriya ancient land.

Non-official site Askaniya Nova

Askaniya Nova (natural reserves)
Info from Wikipedia — accessible encyclopedia


Protected steppe

Presentation of preserve "Askaniya-Nova" on a competition "7 new wonders of nature"


Асканія-Нова: московська версія


06.01.2011 About realіzatsіyu program schodo zaprovadzhennya oblasnih stipendіy
16.12.2010 Preserve and enhance
15.12.2010 Askania Nova "can become a world heritage
11.11.2010 Naydovshі two dnі i dvі nochi
21.10.2010 In Askania Nova - scandal
02.07.2010 On Askaniya-Nova is it possible to begin to work?
24.06.2010 Sheet of Ginkgo biloba on memory
07.06.2010 That will rescue preserves?
03.03.2010 «Askaniya» meets in white
24.02.2010 Not shoot in migratory birds!
16.07.2009 Vivat, Askaniya!
30.06.2009 "Askanija - Nova": zhizn' prodolzhaetsja
26.06.2009 Muzej pod otkrytym nebom...
17.06.2009 There is steppe afire
10.06.2009 Under a sign Askanii
09.06.2009 Wonders Askanii-Nova
02.06.2009 Progolosuem za «Askaniju-Novu»
28.05.2009 The world opens ToNovu
26.05.2009 Askaniya is Nova: miracle alongside
17.03.2009 Falling in love in wonders of Ukraine
13.03.2009 «Askaniya – Nova» waits support
20.02.2009 Two dogs
30.01.2009 Askaniyskie wonders
21.11.2008 «Askaniya-Nova» nominiruetsya in a world competition «7 new wonders of nature»
16.09.2008 Askaniya-novaya — stepnoy samocvet of Evropy
05.09.2008 Askaniya is a miracle № 1
13.08.2008 «Askaniya-Nova»: property, but not burden
2. 22.04.2012 13:52

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1. 02.03.2010 14:27
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А вот почему при Фальц-Фейне кенгуру в Аскания-Нова были, а сейчас где они? По каким причинам отсутствуют? Можно получить вразумительный ответ?

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