Day of city in a region Kherson
29.09.2011 Misto, yak vmіє divuvati29.09.2011 "We were not 200, we vzhe 300, and, mozhlivo, D bіlshe lіt!"
08.09.2011 Fish and "flog" watermelons
08.09.2011 Two hundred thirty-three toddler, two hundred thirty-three Bride
25.10.2010 Kherson is confident in the future
03.11.2009 Genichesk - 225 years
15.10.2009 Last Sunday the legendary Kakhovka celebrated its 218 anniversary
15.10.2009 Impossible is possible, or as Gola Pristan anniversary celebrated
12.10.2009 Day of the city. eve
12.10.2009 231-year-old Kherson managed to surprise
12.10.2009 Cities and countries welcomed Kherson happy birthday
12.10.2009 Goloj Pristane - 300!
08.10.2009 Kherson - 231
13.11.2008 In Ivanovke finished celebrating Day sat down
17.09.2008 Name-days of senior pobratima
16.09.2008 A city is ready to the surprises