Artist Alexander Teplyakov, a model is Natalia Trofimenko. What is Kherson glorious? Perhaps, everybody can find the great great number of answers on this question. We will remember both historical figures and countrymen, and placards «Want to live as in Kherson», and the Kherson tomatoes... But nobody will be able to deny the most important: Kherson is most real water-melon the capital. In fact it is possible to see only for us, how «on a gate» court or beach footballers put water-melons pitilessly. Yet on Kherson a water-melon festival is conducted, where every year the record-holder is determined is the greatest and heaviest water-melon, And this year on the festival of aeronautics even played off the «Water-melon» cup. So green polosatik with the red soul became the real character of our places. Not able to go by this fact on the eve of day of city and we. And that is why within the framework of presentation of our new festival of bodi-arta present you a not fully traditional for this direction project - «Kavun-lady» ("Water-melon amazon")
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It lost a way wildernesses of modern ferrous city - between mnogoetazhkami and endless highways, It does not know where this road will bring it over. It compresses from a roar - but after the back wall, and a back step is impossible. It tries to find itself among creatures, above-ground alongside - but it is not seen. It can not dissolve in crowd - in fact it is not nearly alike but these people-machines, thinking only about numbers. It is ready to be on the defensive - from an attempt to convert itself into the same machine with a calculator in a head and motor in place of heart. It becomes dangerous for them - because aims to convert their world of incomprehensible numbers and iron into the world of love, tenderness and warmth. It simply dreams about blue sky, green grass, bright flowers. But its varicoloured dreams are in this town of neosuschestvimy, but in its soul flowers blossom out and butterflies flitter... ...Outwardly it by nothing from them differs. But it lives in modern town, among people-machines, nothing nescient about love and tenderness... Project «City amazon». An artist is Olga Grabovskaya, model - Alina Kovaleva, photo of Igor Boychenko.
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In its look, usually enigmatic and misty, playful sparks flash sometimes. In its motions - sharp and cold - at times it is possible to catch a gracefulness. Is every its step mathematically exact and vyveren, but it does not can on pyat'-za what, in fact sometimes it is so desirable to do something not according to plan? The knock of its heart for some reason very looks like some mechanical sound, Da-da, he sounds quite as clock - tick-tack, tick-tack... Why so?.. And that it? After a perfect body some strange mechanism - cog-wheels and casters hides with the refined forms and delicate skin... What is it a man or machine? Ah, if it knew, who it such, who created it and why! «No, I am a not machine!,. I am a man! - it yells to someone far, - in fact I am able to feel, I am able to love and hate!» And someone, enough rubbing hands, answers it: «Maybe, maybe, baby... you will become Man quite soon. And while we are yet necessary to do some the work. We will check, whether this detail will walk up you...» Project «Factory Venus». An artist is Vyacheslav Savel'ev, a model is Natalia Trofimenko, photo of Igor Boychenko.
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Do you trust that wonders are not only in fairy-tales but also in the real life? That in December-January, in the height of the íîâî-ãîäíå-christmas walking, on us do angels look from skies? That sometimes do these incorporeal creations go down on earth? That can children and cleanest, lightest people see them only? That if does a child smile in sleep, znachit, an angel looks at him? That does this divine envoy guard each of us and the account of all of our kind businesses conducts?.. That if will he touch a man the wing, will him patronize, and lucky person, marked an angel, waits happiness?.. Do you feel the easy puff of breeze? It an angel flew alongside, touching you the wing... where he? you look, look: really this fairy-tale beautiful woman - and is there a the same angel, getting down from skies? And does can, it - just vision, vain dream, greza? All depends on that, whether you trust in wonders... Project «Angel». Artist, vizazh and neyl-art is Valeriya Starcheus, a model is Olga Zhurynkina, photo of Igor Boychenko.
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Mass of information overflows all and all. The black and white was mixed in one continuous stream. The white becomes black, black - white. And these strange words all anymore and anymore mad and twirl a head. One phrases are erected on a pedestal, other overthrow in to disappear. you hear them, you see them, they, as ghosts, house in your head, they keep on a trot you.
Keep on a trot... In fact you search a true still, but can not find it in any way. Where, well where does a true live among the waterfall of these words? Who will have forces to understand, distinguish it from a lie? Maybe, does it hide somewhere there, «on a day»? And does can, it on a surface, only stretch a hand - and will catch it, how goldfish? Maybe, and will catch, if know. But how to catch, if is this true such unobvious? If was it simply hidden? And what it, our true? Frank? Just? Honest? Bezappelyatsionnaya? Strict? Prickly? Imperceptible? Clear? Velvet? No, True is elastic. A play on words becomes sew on by life. Project «True is elastic». An artist is Maria Komashko, models are Grigory Kalchev and Marina Grigorchuk, photo of Igor Boychenko. Maria Komashko is a student of the V course of the Kherson national technical university, future specialist in area of technology and design of fabric and knitted fabric. From little up Masha carries with the design of clothes, its hobby is gradual outgrew in nothing greater, became part of grown man life. Step by step, business after business... Now Maria went out on a new level and participates in the international competitions of designers and designers. Thus, enough successfully: in its asset three competitions and already one victory is the first place in the International competition of young designers the «Crystal hope» within the framework of international festival of fashion the «Crystal silhouette» (Kiev), what the attentive reader of «New Favourite» already knows about (read the December number for 2005). Maria presented the project «Dolls of city» - and, as appeared, its «playing dolls» appeared successful. Bodi-art was something new and unexplored, but, as well as all new, attracted all anymore and anymore. However, it not surprisingly: creative people never sit in place, ideas spout and require realization. And vzygrala stormy fantasy of artist, and however to perpetuate that takes a place around? Looking on the main event of this year are vybory, Maria Komashko offered the project.
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Spring and beginning of summer... Earth blossoms at this time, as an in love woman. And we wait, that from water an enigmatic and seductive mermaid will go out just about... In different countries they were named variously: in Ukraine - mavkami or nyavkami, in Ancient Greece - by nymphs or naiads, at the German and Scandinavian people - by elvs or val'kiriyami. Young girls with long dissolute hairs were incorporeal perfumes, and only one time per a year, it was given to them to test all of worldly carnal pleasures. Their sorceries were very dangerous for young fellows: tender voice, silvery laughter, graceful dances, elegant motions of slender body in the halo of dissolute hairs. Be careful, khloptsy! To become a mermaid... Though one time in a year to whip off shackles, ignore conventions of society. To be natural, near to nature, using its gifts. To become unusual, easy, as wind, as aroma of herbages... Project «Mermaid». An artist (body-art, nail-art, makiyazh) is Valeriya Starcheus, Hairdresser is Antonina Tolstova (salon-studio of «Square») a model is Ann Polischuk, photo of Igor Boychenko. We remind artists, whose brush can convert the body of man into work of art, that the pages of «New Favourite» wait your projects.
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«Fifteen persons on the trunk of dead person...» Perhaps, for this character it would it is time to pick up quite another song. Let marine wind mercilessly dishevel the disobedient head of its hairs. Let salt sparks every now and again try to get in its unique eye. Let worldly-wise clothes it decorated not zolotom-brilliantami, but by holes. Let its strong hands privykli to hold a weapon. Let... In the soul it remained a child. It a sea child dreams not about piratic battles and trophies. It is beckoned to itself by the that marvellous uninhabited island which it saw somewhere far away, in the center of ocean. And if it dreams about a booty, about such, which its brothers-pirates will not estimate. Because it is a not trunk with valuables or gold, not royal clothes from Chinese silk or blinding gold-cloth and even not oversea wonders. It wants to find the heart, so recklessly lost during the last attack, heart, stolen the wonderful and brave helper of captain... He was bravely removed from the covey of pirates, but if it were not for it, scarcely a ship succeeded to pull through. And now it looks in a sea in expectant of that sailing-vessel, in expectant of the love... Project «Piratka». An artist is Olga Grabovskaya, suit - Olga Kovalevoy, model - Alina Kovaleva, photo of Igor Boychenko. At a project «Piratka», on a large account, «parents» three is an artist, a model and its mother is here such creative tandem. We will meet with them closer. A teacher dizayn-litseya Olga Grabovskaya, being in a maternity leave, finds time for creation and literally from birth attaches the son to this process. With bodi-artom «acquainted» 8 years, but painting on a body in a clean kind never was carried away not, but perceives bodi-art as adding to appearance, giving him an integral kind. Lately carried with yet and a picture. The model of Alina Kovaleva studied for Olga from a 3th class - at first at artistic school, then in dizayn-litsee. Now it studies in the senior class of school ¹6 and recently even had time to enter the Kievan institute of design and design. Dreams to be master of style, imidzhmeykerom. Mother Aliny, Lelya, - also man unusual, remarkable designer-designer. So not surprising, that gradually the relations of teacher, student and its mother outgrew in a creative-friendly union. And a project «Piratka» became next their joint offspring. In general, all of ideas soar in mid air, arise up spontaneously. Something met on eyes is fabric, object - and a process went. So our «Piratka» going literally on pieces. And business was so: our heroines drank tea, and grandfather marine alarm flags dried in a court - most real! Our girls looked on them, looked - and decided: well not to disappear such good! And fantasy raged! Then both exotic cockleshell and sword (by the way, done from the nose of real ryby-mech) brought from distant countries - all found the application. And a mother Lelya for an evening linked a net. And although other appearance reflected initially, but in the day of surveys Alina prostudilas', and its eye swelled. It was necessary to do a bandage - our piratka appeared so on light. A "new favourite" is April, 2006
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Welcome to a distant wonderful country on the banks of Nile. On enigmatic earth, where the most ancient enormous monumental buildings, risings highly in sky between the silvery-yellow desert and olive-brown majestic river tower, Here they, fantastic and at the same time geometrically strict buildings which arabs name the flowery language by the «mountains of pharaohs». Pyramids...
Ideally exact machines for an ascent on sky, in constellation of Orion.., What secrets do hide they? What countless treasures? What mystic rituals? And does wait the o'clock of reviving bury here? And who they? Kingly persons or great priestesses? Goddesses or mere mortal? Living or ghosts? Who knows, Egypt keeps the secrets ages, keeping out us in it «sainted saints»...
Project «Egypt». An artist is Alexander Teplyakov, models are Valentina Kolesnik and Tat'yana Oleynik, photo of Igor Boychenko. In connection with tragic death of organizer of the Odessa carnival of bodi-arta a festival this year did not take a place so, Hope that already next year Odessa will succeed to revive this bright colourful action, and we yet not once will be able poradovat' readers the special reporting from Odessa.