"White rose". B.Yunger. (for the children of 9-15 years) fairy tale about the love for the country, for the people. Rej.- post. - honored art. Russia T.Varzhalo. Artistic- post. - G. Ryabinchuk.
"Rusalochka". G.-X. Andersen (for children that of the adolescents of 9-17 years), 1991. Play on the scenario of the tragic and bright history of known Danish skazochnika. 1994 - participation in the prestige survey of the "pearls of season". Rej.- post. - honored art. Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - G.Ryabinchuk. Kompoz. - honored art. Ukraine A. Gonobolin.
"Nut cracker". Ye.T.A.Gofman. (for children that of the adolescents of 10-15 years), 1993. Christmas fairy tale about the irreconcilable war between the mouse king and the brave nut cracker. Rej.- post. - the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - О.Gonobolina.
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"Messenger into hell". To T.Tikamatsu, 1994. (for the adolescents of 13-17 years) Classical tragedy about the cruelty of peace to a feeling of present love. 1994 - in the international festival of the theaters of the dolls of "Іnterlyal'ka-9ya" (Uzhgorod) diploma "for best stsenografiyu". Rej.- post. - V.Skakun. Artistic- post. - A.Gonobolina. Khoreograf - O.Kovalevskaya
"Alisa in the country of miracles" (for children of 9-13 years), 1995 the unusual fairy tale of English writer, fantastic adventures, whimsical characters and - excellent play. Rej.- post. - the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - О.Gonobolina. Composer - zasl.artist the Ukraine A.Gonobolin
"Elephant Horton the bird Of meyzi" D.S'yuz. (to children of 7-12 years), 1994. Good elephant Horton could not refuse to the frivolous bird Of meyzi and sits instead of it on the nest. What zh this will leave? Rej.- post. - Ye. drapikovskaya. Artistic- post. - О.Gonobolina. Composer - zasl.artist the Ukraine A.Gonobolin
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"38 parrots". G.Oster. (for the children of 5-10 years), 1997 who will help boa constrictor to measure its increase? Well, of course, friends the artists of theater! Rej.- post. - the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - О.Gonobolina composer - honored artist of the Ukraine A.Gonobolin
the "Faith of poor, or the blissful peace Of bregelya" T.Visher, D.Chaffer, B.Chuprina, 1998 joint project from "trestl the theater of Company" (England) Rej.- post. - T.Visher, D.Chaffer, the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - G.Ryabinchuk
"Magic rose and bringing the lock KHOTL" Of b.Chuprina. 1998. the Musical- puppet show, which to adult spectators resembles Romeos and Juliette and cheers children. Rej.- post. - the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - G.Ryabinchuk of artistic. on the suits - О.Gonobolina
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"Small prince". To a.de of Saint- Exupery (for the adolescents of 13-17 years), 1999. The philosophical fairy tale of French writer with the aid of the possibilities of puppet theater acquires additional expressiveness. Participation in the festival the theater of the dolls Of "zolotiy Of telesik-99" (L'vov). Rej.- post. - the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - G.Ryabinchuk
"Incredible Olympiad in the country multi -Pul6ti". (for children of 7-12 years), 2000. The dear fairytale heroes I tell about the safety regulations on the water. Rej.- post. - the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - G.Ryabinchuk. Composer - honored artist of the Ukraine А.Gonobolin
"Adventures Of Kashtanchika". V.Orlov (for children of 5-10 years), 2000. Spectators sympathize to small Kashtanchiku, which searches for its mom. Rej.- post. - G.Komarov. Artistic- post. - О.Gonobolina composer - honored artist of the Ukraine A.Gonobolin
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The "Heroic Adventures Of Kotigoroshka". B.Chuprina. 2001. In the show- idea according to the motives of Ukrainian folk tales you will meet with doll- giants, participants X in the anniversary international festival "Slav market" (g. Vitebsk, Belorussia). Rej.- post. - the honored artist of the Ukraine B.Chuprina. Artistic- post. - G.Ryabinchuk composer - honored artist of the Ukraine A.Gonobolin
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