Musical collections

"Osanna" is the spiritually-musical collected and settings to of Archbishop Ionafan works, 2004, 754 pages, Kherson
Triod' of the church singing "Great Canon" setting to and arrangement of Arkhiepiskop Ionafan 2006, 65 pages (publishing house of Moscou Patriarkhija)
"I will come in your flashbacks of pisney" song collection on the poem of А.Dunaeva 2005р., 42 p.
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"Fly my song by the winch" select part-songs of composer А.Плаксеева (1 volume) 2006, 136 pages
"Fly my song by a winch" select part-songs of composer А.Плаксеева (2 volume) 2006, 136 pages