Fragments of the personal photo-exhibition are the "Coloured number"

Alushta.Genoese tower.
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Closed autumn.
Deep forest.
Autumn melancholy.
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Kherson port.
An autumn is in a park.
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It is possible to be not a poet, But it is impossible to stand, understand How the strip of light, Caught doors yells. Andrey Voznesenskiy We step on Eternity. We are surrounded by Signs and Characters... But there is no time us...We by the poglascheny bustle of endless anxieties. But not he... He, as istinyy Japanese, an ocean sees in a drop, in grain of sand sees Universe. In usual things he finds philosophical podteks and cause for irony. We congratulate a фотофилософа Vyacheslava Savel'eva on the first personal exhibition