When a question is insoluble – In a glass tea-pot will look. Tea-leaves are little letters of the Celestial habitants – earthly.
To give a glance – he is dry, severe by ear, But give tea-houses of заманух¬ – And tea master will show Both the tea world and tea spirit you.
Tea flows on a tea dinner-wagon: Through a grate – and forgive. And you on that will not return, take no the notice.
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Master of brush will turn a sheet In landscape, portrait or still life. Master of tea converts a sheet Into nectar of divine heights.
He in appearance is dry and ugly, But athletic spirit him at once will load Any In the beskraynost' world it.
A candle plavitsya on a drop. Fire – as a blade of sword. And we will burn out. Not death by guilt, But flame of spark-executioner.
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As will have a drink kind wine – Life of the drunk gladness is full. As want gladnesses undrunk – Get a drunk tea dop'yana.
Not set to judge about a sea, With the wave of mighty not contest, And in the cup of tea look, wake up Wave of beatitude.
Follow a suit from a drinking bowl are Its sizes of premaly, But fit, except for expect, And the soul of tea mullah.
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Drink tea gullets small – Unvoraciously appease thirst, Stick in tea-leaves gold ¬ And gladness deliver a heart!
An aqualungist goes on a bottom And searches a chaikhana in a sea... Woke up from grief. There is not a sea, And he is a tea-pot. Well, well!
When to give a glance on a tea-leaf, – He in appearance is dry and ugly. On a drop how to judge about a sea? Take drink tea, aqualungist!
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