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> Topics > CULTURE > History of culture and the regional study

History of culture and the regional study

History of the culture and regional study

History of culture is a branch of culture, which investigates the cultures of the concrete social groups, which exist within the specific time-spatial framework.
Historical science — complex social science, which studies the past in its entire concreteness and variety


Antiquarian journal "Helios"
 http://www.antikwariat.ru  — AntikWariat.Ru — the online auction for the collectors
Antique coins, stamps, medals, numismatics, philately, photography, plastic maps, books, weapons, calendars and many others.
http://www.russian-antique.net — online antique shop "Russian antique", numismatics, the objects of collection, banknotes collection, metal adornment collection, purchase and sale
Regional study — study of nature, population, economy, history and culture of any part of the country, administrative or natural region, populated areas with their environment;  distinguishing their  historical, ethnographical and other varieties of regional study, and also the complex geographical regional study, which studies the interrelations of natural and social phenomena.
Basic method of regional study — collection and the systematization of information, natural items, objects of the culture and other data about the specific territory.





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