Music tours in Kherson
28.04.2011 Battle for Arabatska Arrow16.12.2010 Man with a tuning fork Igor Tsaruk
28.04.2010 Etno-music maniac Dmitry Ciperdyuk
22.03.2010 The best group of Estonia will come forward in Kherson
20.11.2009 Vlad Cvetaev: not to retreat from a purpose!
08.10.2009 Vadim Krasnooky and «Mad Heads XL»: we - it's fun
31.07.2009 «Kherson, thank you for a full house!»
09.06.2009 BONEY-M: «In our arrival disbelieved»
25.05.2009 Success of Babkina is in Kherson
05.05.2009 Lama will bring to Kherson of "Sv³tlo ³ t³n'"
21.04.2009 In Kherson all «Dance also!»
23.03.2009 Natasha is in Kherson
19.03.2009 TIK brought unshaven deer to Kherson
16.03.2009 Dyuk-period with a dream to overmaster Europe
05.03.2009 They revive history
23.02.2009 "Kvartirnik" without an apartment
20.02.2009 Lesson of success from talented
23.12.2008 In each is the field of battle
10.12.2008 Unusual concert
25.11.2008 Two freedoms of Dmitry Dzyuby