> People > Theatre
Balash Victor Grigor`evich
Chernoshkur Vasiliy Andreevich
Dobrovol`skaya Sventlana Vladimirovna
Gall-Savalskaya O. I.
Gonobolina Olga Charl Born on May, 17, 1963 in Sokhumi, Abkhazia. 1982 — graduated from Sokhumi Art School. 1988 — graduated from Leningrad High Art School. 2000 — a member of ...
Gromovenko Pavel Fedorovich
Kaganova Olga Arkad`evna
Kalyuzhnaya Lyubov
Kerpatenko Yuriy Leonidovich N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatre Conductor, orchestrator, bayan-player. Born on 9.09.1976 г. In Kherson. He started his music studying when ...
Kischenko Julia Vladimir
Kniga Aleksandr Andreevich
Mel`nik Aleksandr
Meyerkhold Vsevolod Emil`evich He is one of the prominent Russian producer, actor, and theatrical figure. 1898 — graduated from Music school at Moscow philharmonic society. He worked at Petersburg theatres. ...
Mishukov Oleg Vasil`evich
Nikolaenko Lavrentiy Ivanovich
Noskov Andrey Anatol`evich
Ptashnik Henriette
Ruis-Bykova Erika
Teplyakov Aleksandr Artist, theatrical artist-decorator, interior designer, poster designer, body art artist, kavunograph. Artifact projects coordinator. Graffiti artist. Art decoration, flat ...
Varzhalo Tadeush Mecheslavovich