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13.05.2015, 09:45


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01.08.2015, 13:17

Crazzzy Days

13.05.2015, 09:52


> Topics > CULTURE > History of culture and the regional study > Таврия XXI века


01.09.2011 Wonder well rediscovered
08.10.2010 The future is already written Kherson
08.10.2010 The clock on the tower
15.04.2010 Dnepr went spots
04.11.2009 Again Call on the holy bells
06.08.2009 Prodaetsja Kamenskaja Sech'. Nedorogo
29.07.2009 Genplan is looked over
28.07.2009 Perspective directions of development of city to 2030 year
16.07.2009 A gun factory and palace will appear in Kherson
16.07.2009 The landscape model of the Kherson fortress is complemented
13.07.2009 Kind business is always in honour
02.07.2009 Ekaterininskiy cathedral already not that
18.06.2009 I budut u nas jubilei...
04.06.2009 Swan lake: from talks to the real actions
28.05.2009 Collectors of autographs
14.05.2009 Thank you that, who... mixed
12.05.2009 We will rebuild a public garden all society
06.04.2009 Vladimir Sal'do is the best mayor of Ukraine
25.03.2009 Kherson remembers the founder
02.03.2009 «Kherson – by a person to history» is a lesson first
18.02.2009 A descendant Tropinykh bore in «Path»
17.12.2008 "Kherson is a city of a sun"
24.10.2008 «Arm-chair of Empress»: artefakt returns!
17.10.2008 Swedish king is in the Kherson mud flow
08.10.2008 The model of the Kherson fortress is opened!
02.10.2008 Kherson as in 1784...
02.10.2008 230 to us already!
02.10.2008 "Toad crushed a mayor"
25.09.2008 Fountain flowery and singing
18.09.2008 Aleshkovskie of fun 2008, or go for a walk in the rain
10.07.2008 The Kherson fortress will regenerate to the anniversary
31.01.2008 History Kherson - from the pages of "Hryvnia"
05.04.2007 Your opinion
01.03.2007 As Ivan Abramovich met with Aleksandr Sergeyevich
25.01.2007 Tourism on the ruins of the princely
18.01.2007 Director shtuchnoї rіki
01.01.2007 Talents - export!
26.10.2006 Kidok in Kherson
19.10.2006 At sea vіrnіst swear ...
04.08.2005 Arhіv Pfalz-Feynіv transferred to Kherson
05.08.2004 Gift for the archivist
22.07.2004 This is a fun name - Pushkin
04.03.2004 "Showdown" around carts
18.09.2003 History Revived
01.08.2002 Odіssey, Gannіbal, Attіla in Suchasna іnter'єrі
20.12.2001 The largest private archive of historical information about our region

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