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> Topics > Media Art > What is MEDIA ART?

What is MEDIA ART?

What is MEDIA ART?

The 20th and 21st Centuries: New Media, New Art Forms.
Media art — is a tendency in art where an artist uses all high techniques to create his masterpiece. He combines skills of programming as well as technical and artistic in himself.

We might instead think of painting, sculpture, and architecture as corresponding roughly to two-dimensional art, three-dimensional art, and arts that enclose or define space. Some of the newer art forms that add motion — for example, film and video art — are sometimes referred to as time-based media. Decorative arts, such as jewellery and textiles, and crafts, such as woodworking and basketry, are defined primarily by their practical use: for example, in fashion, furniture, or household items.

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1. 20.02.2012 21:45

Это хороший вид искусства. По своей натуре он очень сложный и разносторонний, ведь в нём требуется всевозможные знания. Плохо, что половинна ссылок предоставленных на сайте, неработоспособные! А мне хотелось бы узнать о таком искусстве немного больше.

Редакция_ИР12 22.02.2012

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