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> Tourism, rest, entertainment > Business-incubator on development of green tourism

Business-incubator on development of green tourism

«Green tourism development — business-incubator in the culture of Kherson area Tavriya steppe»

The Kherson city public organization «The league of business and professional women» has begun a project «Green tourism development — business-incubator in the culture of Kherson area Tavriya steppe» that initially was focused on farmers, who own private property in agriculture economy and businessmen, who organize the activity in industry of green tourism. The idea is support by a project coordinator of OSCE in Ukraine and an agency of the USA International Development (USAID).

For effective realization of the program the three priority districts were chosen — Golaya Pristan, Kalanchak, Chaplinka. They are located in a steppe area and abut upon a sea. It is the area where favorable terms and conditions for development of small and middle enterprise in industry of green tourism are situated and successfully developed as a perspective industry that requires an urgent help and services of the Business-incubator.

To achieve a project goal the Program foresees providing of terms for the Business- incubator to conduct a business in industry of green tourism by the spectrum of informative and elucidative services.

Information service (advising):
— an effective enterprise management;
— support in business plans development;
— an assistance in marketing research of tourist product;
— search for business partners;
— micro credit sources;
— legal aspects of enterprise;
— optimum taxation;
— an assistance in enterprises registration;
— legislation news etc.

Elucidative services (seminars-trainings):
— Enterprise bases in tourist industry
— How to develop a business plan
— Bases of tourist marketing
— Effective sales techniques
— Staff management
— Financial management
— Specific of taxation in tourist industry
— Optimum taxation
— Legal defense self-employment

Green tourism information centre:
Kherson, 2A Chekists Street, office 12
Contact phonenumber: (0552) 45 44 95
To all property owners!

Green tourism development — business-incubator will carry out the cycle of seminar-trainings to the proprietors of farmsteads of Golaya Pristan, Kalanchak, Chaplinka districts and adjoining to Kherson villages. (date and time will be announced later)

Green tourism information here

Informative bulletin 1 — download (77 К)

Informative bulletin 2 — download (53 К)


Seminar on green tourism on the base of farmstead of "Gull"

Seminars 2007

Exhibitions in Kherson 2007

Exhibitions in Kiev 2007

A booklet is "Business-ground "Tavriyskiy litnik"
3. 02.06.2010 14:16
Елена Купцова

От проекта GTZ сертефицированный тренер проводит консультации и презентации по зеленому туризму и не только. Обращаться на емайл khersongreenkit@mail.ru или в скайпе. Проводим обследование зеленых садыб с описанием местности для Черновецкой НГО которая работает с партнерами за рубежем. (Будет бесплатный сайт)

2. 28.05.2010 12:43

Шановна Наталя Генадіївна! Ми отримали Вашого листа і зв'язались з Бізнес-інкуботором по розвитку зеленого туризму. Вони повідомили, що активної діяльності на даний момент не ведуть, проте надають консультації. Радимо Вам безпосередньо з ними зв'язатися по тел.:  39-18-91.

1. 22.05.2010 17:19
Петух Наталя Геннадіївна

Хочу спробувати займатись організацією зеленого туризму на території Скадовського району Херсонської області у відповідності до проекту «Бізнес – інкубатор з розвитку зеленого туризму на території Таврійської степової культури Херсонської області», будь ласка повідомте про отримання мого листа

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