Gold plates and figured nashchechnik
Tips of the gold adornment, decorated with filigree, by psevdozern'yu, by colored enamels with the lion heads
Vessel with the red figures
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Gold suspension in the form of the relief image of the goddess Of Kibelly
Gold fastenings, decorated with figurines weft, and gold woven grivnya
Nashchechniki made from the bronze
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Models of the gold platelets
Gold adornment and the gold plates -obbivki of wooden cup with the image of the fish
Collection of the glass and pastovykh adornments
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Gold relief plate of ceremonial sagaydaka in the form of the block
Gold relief plate of ceremonial sagaydaka in the form of the dog
Gold relief plate-facing of ceremonial sagaydaka in the form of panther
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Gold relief plate- facings of ceremonial sagaydaka in the form of the deer
Gold fastenings and silver fastening with the gold suspension in the form of the acorn
Reconstruction of the female ceremonial head-gear, the fragment of gold adornment with the sculptural image of the lioness
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Silver cup with the gold knob, decorated with the plant ornament
Electro-howl ring with the image of the griffin
Gold beads
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Collection of beads from the paste, the glass, the bone and the stone
Gold platelet in the form of head Athens in the helmet with the mask of the lion
Objects of the toilet of notable woman from Skifii
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Bronze knob of mirror (from the front)
Bronze knob of mirror (from behind)
Bronze frontlet with the sculptural image of the head of the animal
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Gold saddle upholsterings
Gold sculptural head of the deer
Gold frontlet with the sculptural image of the head of the deer
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Models of gold platelets, buttons, pronizok
Gold figured nashchechnik with the engraving and the bronze plate
Bronze figure in the form of the moon
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Silver with the gilding falar, decorated with the image of the horse heads
Silver nashchechnik with the relief image of the human figures
Silver figured nashchechniki
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Silver dish
Gold necklace with the sculptural image the weft
Gold necklace and the detail of the adornment of the head-gear
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Gold platelets in the form of the figurines of menad, gold fastenings in the form of sphinxes with the suspension-weft
Bronze split naversh'ya with the figures the weft
Bronze nashchechniki in the form of the fishes
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Models of the gold platelets
Details of the gold beads
Gold platelet with the image of Scythians, that they fight
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Models of gold platelets, pronizok, suspensions
Gold platelet with the image of goddess with the mirror and the scythian
Silver riton
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Gold bracelets of the plate
Gold necklace, rings and the pastovye beads
Gold adornment of head-gear in the form of flower and bird
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Gold fastening with the suspension in the form of the head of the mountain goat
Gold ring
Gold fastening, decorated with the ornament
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Bronze scoop with the bird head at the end
Lekif covered with the japan
Kilik covered with the japan
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Kanfar covered with the japan
Gold suspension with the sculptural image the weft
Bronze mirror with the engraved ornament
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The common form of the scythian funeral camera
Fragment of the gold diadem
Gold ring with the image of the lion
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Gold adornment with the sculptural image of lionesses at the ends
Collection of the pastovykh beads
Bronze cup
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Models of the gold platelets
Gold platelets with the image of griffin and horse
The fragments of the gold plates, which decorated the female head-gear
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Reconstruction of female scythian ceremonial head-gear (front view)
Reconstruction of female scythian ceremonial head-gear (side view)
Lekif covered with the japan
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Scythian boiler
Fragment of gold diadem with the image of the Hippocampus
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максименко Александр васильевич
Школьником работал на раскопках курганов на территории совхоза Красный Перекоп Херсоской области. В первый день раскопок, после работы бульдозера, нас троих поставили раскапывать землю до ступеньки по следам воровского хода. Было ясно, что захоронение ограблено. Лично мною была найдена подвеска с изображением утки. После обеда приехала девушка которая нас курировала, она подтвердила, что подвеска золотая и попросила вам ничего не говорить. О находке, якобы у вас с ней, произошел спор и вы сказали что в этом кургане ничего не будет найдено, а она утверждала обратное. На следующий день было найдено еще точно такая же подвеска с изображением утки, три золотые блоки и кольцо. В книге и здесь на сайте фотография одной подвески. Получается, что ваша сотрудница просто нас обманула, присвоила находку себе. Этот вопрос, по истечению столького времени, может будет интересен не только мне но и вам. С уважением, Александр Васильевич.