Wares dated to the Stone Age and Eneolith: flint tools of the Late Paleolith found in the Peremoga I stand (28-25 millennium В. С), vessel and statutue dated to the Trypol culture (turn of the 4th millennium В. С), sculptures of nomads of the Pit culture (3 millennium В. С.)
Vessels of the Pit and Catacomb cultures of the Early Bronze Age found in burial mounds (3 — early 2 millennium В. C.)
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Vessels of the Pit and Catacomb cultures of the Early Bronze Age found in burial mounds (3 — early 2 millennium В. C.)
Wares of the Catacomb and Sabatian cultures of the Broze Age, found in burial mounds and buried tresures (2 millennium В. С.)
Wares of the Catacomb and Sabatian cultures of the Broze Age, found in burial mounds and buried tresures (2 millennium В. С.)
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Scythian adornments found in burial mounds: tips of neck gryvnya, pendants sewn on (5-4 centuries В. С).
Scythian adornments found in burial mounds: pendants sewn on (5-4 centuries B.C.).
Kimmerian pot (10-8 centuries В. С.) and Scythian things: pendants sewn on, necklace, neck gryvnya, sword, helmet (5-4 centuries В. С.)
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Scythian things found in burial mounds: moulded pot (7-4 centuries B.C.)
Scythian things found in burial mounds: antient red fugured vessel-scyphos, moulded pot, bronze pot (7-4 centuries B.C.)
Ancient wares: black-lacquered vessel-kanfar, amphora, fragment of the marble column with decret (5-3 centuries B. C.)
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Late Ancient red-lacquered figured vessels found in the Shyrokaya Balka ancient burial ground (1 century B.C. -2 century A.C.)
Sarmathian adornments and pottery (1 century B.C. -2 century A.C)
Sarmathian pottery (1 century B.C. -2 century A.C), grey polished vessel dated to the Chernyakhovsk culture (3-4 centuries A. C.)
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Gunn's or Ovar's adornments (4-5 centuries A.C.), Kiev Rus wares found in Oleshye city (11-13 centuries)
Late Middle Age adornments, arms and pottery including those found in Туagin Fortress (14-17 centuries)
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