Books of A.P. Zverik

Зверик А.П. the Air snakes. Publishing house of child's literature of "Veselka". Kiev. 1972 In a book history and theory of flights of air serpents is expounded in a popular form. Charts over and plans are brought operating flat and korobchastykh of air serpents, serpents-rockets and serpents-raketonostsev. The different ways of their starts, game and contest are described. A book will be useful not only to the schoolboys, and and pionervozhatym, to the teachers, leaders of technical groups, and also to all, who is interested in technical creation.
Зверик А.П. Technical creation in a pionerskom camp. Publishing house "Radyans'ka school". Kiev. 1986 An album consists of 64 cards and methodical pointing on the use them. On cards 1-14 requirement specifications are placed on making of separate elements of air serpents, domes of parashutov, different paper models. On cards 15-64 charts and drafts are resulted flying flat and korobchastykh of air serpents, serpents-rockets and serpents-raketonostsev. The methods of start of serpents and rockets are described in the methodical pointing. Targets at the leaders of groups of technical creation of pionerskikh camps and other out-of-school establishments.