Koval Yuliya
Koval Yuliya Anatoliy is a designer, photomodel of 3.12.1985g.
Finished f-t Technology and design, KHNTU. Speciality is «Technology and design of fabrics and knitted fabric».
Actively participated in the measures of student house of fashion of «TEYA» KHNTU from December, 2004
It is both a designer and model, demonstrating the created suits on shows.
Participating is in shows-shows: Festival-carnival of body-art in Odessa 2005 ; A festival «Kupal'skie of Star» is body-art; Day of city of Kherson, 2005 is body-art; A festival "Mel'pomena to Tavrii" 2007 is a carnival procession.
From August, 1, 2007 tekhnologom-dessinatorom works on DP "Roza-Khutro" in Kiev. bastet777@mail.ru
From portfolio | From series there is "Favourite" | From series there is "Dekadans" |
Touch to the spring |