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Home pagePeople
Khmel` Victor Adol`fovich
Virlich Avgust Ernstovich
Goshkevich Viktor IvanoichJohn Paul JonesDiachenko Sergei Andreyevich
Ekaterina II GreatNikitenko SergeiOrlova Zorja SolomonovnaPachorskiy Iosif Konradovich
PodgaynyPotemkin Grigory AlexanderSkorokhod Aleksandr NikolaevichStark Boris
Suvorov Alexander Vasiliy
Trotskiy Lev DavidovichFal'ts-Feyn Sofia BogdanovnaFalz-Fein Friedrich EdwardovichFalz-Fein Friedrich Edwardovich (Junior)Falz-Fein Edward Aleksandrovich
Bogutskiy Yuri Petrovich
Visual art
Altypina NataliaAndryuschenko Alexander PaulKryzhanovskiy VitaliusBalash Viktor GrigorievichBelich Ivan VasilievichYur`eva SvetlanaBerezhnoy Aleksandr NikolaevichBerezhnoy IgorBiletckaya Svetlana AnatolBilokyr Ivan GrigorievichDemchenko Sergei
Bilyook Vladimir AlexanderBoychenko Igor leonidovichBondarenko (Shkuropat) Olga VladimirovnaBot`ko Ivan IvanovichBochkarev Mikhail YakovlevichBrailov Ryurik IvanovichBryntsev Nikolay StanislavovichBryntseva Olga GennadiyevnaBykov Anatoliy FedorovichVaganov Vladlen AfanasiyevichVozbranna ZhannaVolyazlovskiy StanislavGancho Michail EfimovichGonobolina Olga CharlGoncharenko Vladimir IvanovichGrabovskaya (Petrenko) OlgaGrigor`eva Marina ValentineGuzik Vladimir AnastasiyevichGulyaeva OlgaGurich ZoyaGusak MariyaDzheruk NataliyaDzevanovskiy Danila PavlovichDidenko Yuriy VasiliyevichDotsenko Alina VasilyevnaYelizarov Aleksey GeorgiyevichYeremenko Anatoliy GeorgiyevichZagorodnyuk Fedor IvanovichZenenko Peter MikhaylovichKalinichenko Aleksandr StepanovichKalinskiy Aleksandr AleksandrovichKandybey Vladimir JacobKatynin Dmitriy SemenovichKatynina Oksana GeorgievnaKibrik Vera Vasil’evnaKider FeliksKovacs Aleksandr AdalKozlov Vladimir Anatol`evichKliokta MichaelKovalenko Elena SergeevnaKosterin Vladimir AleksandrovichKravchenko Vladimir NikolaevichKruglaya Nataliya LeonidovnaKurak Stanislav PetrovichKurnakov Georgiy Vasil’evichLavinyukov Aleksandr NikolaevichLogacheva Nataliya NikolaevnaMashnitskiy Valeriy Anatol`evichMashnitskiy Vyacheslav Baler’evichMoroz VyacheslavMorugin Valerie MikhaylovichMoskovchenko Konstantin IvanovichNikityuk Andrey PetrovichOsadchiy Vladimir Il`ichPetrov Georgiy PetrovichPetruk Alexander PeterPisanko Nikolay NikolaevichPlatonov Anatoliy GeorgievichPlatonov Igor Anatol`evichPotrebenko Vladimir NikolaevichPodgayskiy Vitaliy SergeevichProkhorov Konstantin MikhailovichRayko Polina
Sergiy RubanovichSavel`ev Vyacheslav ViktorovichSkidanova Irina NikolaevnaStarcheus ValeriyaStepanyan Yurik GrantikovichStetsenko Kseniya AleksandrovnaStrekalovskiy Nikolay
Takaeva Venera GubaydulevnaTeplyakov AleksandrTolkunov Egor EgorovichTolstykh Mikhail BorisovichTopunov YurijTopunova IrinaTrapenok Viktor MikhailovichTyshkevich Victor MichaelKhmel` Victor Adol`fovichKhoroshaylo Vladislav LeonidovichKhramtsov Semen MikhailovichKhristich Ivan Grigor`evichKhudoley Vladimir MikhailovichChebukin Igor Anatol`evichChuprina Vladimir Grigor`evichShapko Ivan Grigor’evichShapko Yuriy IvanovichShvets OlgaShiyan Nina IvanovnaShkuropat Vasiliy Luk`yanovichShnayder Andrey BorisovichShnayder Boris LukichShayder Yuriy BorisovichShnayder-Senyuk Mariya NestorovnaShtirmer Lazar ShulimovichYakovlev Oleg GeorgievichShul`ga Pavel AndreevichAndrushchenko AndreyGavlovskaya AlinaVaranitsa ViktoriyaBondarenko EvgeniyStefanov VictorVolyazlovskaya Juli
Vinogradova OlgaGluschenko Viktor Petrovich
Postolova Nadezhda ViktorovnaDrozdov Leonid SergeyevichZhitchenko Igor VladimirKats AlinaKachuk Ekaterina SergeevnaKim IlonaKondenko IgorKruhov ValeriiLebid' Igor NickMakaryuk Nikolai Stepanovich
Lyachova Tatyana NikolaevnaMaryanski ArtemMatveev Boris SergeevichPersistiy KonstantinMoskvitina-Dmitrieva ValerijaMikhail OrlovNadeina NataliaPekelis YuriPastroma DmitryPerel`muter Michael SemenovichPodgorodetskaya SvetlanaSavel'eva ValeryRyleev Vasiliy PetrovichTereschenko KonstantinTret'yak Nick
Titova IrinaTischenko IrinaUs SergiyFurman Aleksandr SergeyevichKhoronyak Anatoliy MikhailovichYudin Victor GrigoryYakushev Vitaly NickYaschuk ChristinaMilchenko Xenia
Arts and crafts
Komashko MariyaAbikulova MarinaBondarenko IrinaLitvinov NickolajVoitsekhovskaya ValentinaGlebova LidiyaZhmen`ko ZoyaKol`tsova Nataliya
Lapteva Tat'yanaMel`nichenko RomanSushkova DiyaBeyko Anrey
But Alena
Khryapenkova MariaGurich ZoyaGusak MariyaDzheruk NataliyaTeplyakov AleksandrStefanov VictorÂîðîáéîâà Þë³ÿ
Bernhard Lierheimer
Avramenko Oleg
Adamov Grigoriy and Arkadiy
Bratan Nikolai IvanovichMichael Brief
Bystrov Vladimir Andreevich
Veselov Arkadij AleksandrovichValentina Volkova K.
Goloborod`ko George Konstantinovich
Goloborod`ko Yaroslav
Gomanyuk Mikola (Mamon)Dunaev Anatoliy MichaelYelagin Aleksandr NikolaevichZharkikh-Shmigel’skiy Valeriy Borisovich
Zubarev SergeyZubris Harry
Kabanov AleksandrKichinskiy Anatoliy IvanovichKolomoec Natal'ja Anatol'evnaKondakova Tat'yanaLyubomskaya HelenaLyansberg Olga Vasilievna
Lavrenev Boris AndreevichLebedev, Aleksandr PavlovichNatasha CroftsOleksyuk OlegOrlov Jurij Nikolaevich
Osipov Anatoliy Vital'evich
Rozmirovska OksanaRube Maria
Sak Olga GennadievnaSkolibog Oleg
Sorokovikov AndreyUmanskaya SvetlanaCvetkova Irene Sergey
Chistyakova Svetlana
Scherba Taisiya NikolaevnaYanenko Evgeniy NikolaevichDembnitskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Zamaraeva Irina Vladimirovna
Kalinichenko Irina Yur`evna
Gun`ko Alexander
Grebenyuk Vyacheslav Dmitrievich
Shul's Helen
Belasku BellaMarushchak Elena AlekseevnaMeleshchenko VasiliyNemchenko Ivan VasilievichPotapov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Sil`vanskiy Sergey Aleksandrovich
Suvorov Aleksandr
Chernikov Vladimir Andreevich
Vald Victor
Topunov YurijShvets OlgaPostolova Nadezhda Viktorovna
Media ArtMusic
Artjomenko OlgaVazin Georgiy Andreevich
Gonobolin Aleksandr Charl
Grigor`yeva Tatyana Ivanovna
Gurba Victor TikhonovichDolgopola Irina VladimirovnaZimovets Yurij NickolaevichIvanchenko IgorKerpatenko Yuriy LeonidovichKiselnikova Inna Nikolaevna
Leleko Nataliya VitalievnaMarys VladimirMishukov IgorMoskalenko Vitaly AfanasNakidaylo Inna OleksandrovnaOleynik George IvanPlakseev Valentine
Romantsov Yegor
Sitar` Nadezhda Vasil`evnaSkomorovskiy YakovSoletskiy Lyubomir PetrovichTimofeeva Firuza Anatol`evna
Shevtsov Sergey
Shirinskiy Haris GaneevichYacenko Vladimir Ivanovich
Barishnikov Boris OlegBerezin Andrey
Bobrovnik Olga
Vazina TatyanaVolkova NataliyaGorin IgorGrebenyuk Vyacheslav Dmitrievich
Demchenko VladimirDembnitskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Zakhozhenko OlgaIvanenko Yuriy Nikolaevich
Levchenko NataliyaUsmanova MarinaChuy AlenaKimach AndreiStarcheus ValeriyaTopunov Yurij
Balash Victor Grigor`evichBykodir ViktorVarzhalo Tadeush Mecheslavovich
Gall-Savalskaya O. I.Gromovenko Pavel Fedorovich
Dobrovol`skaya Sventlana VladimirovnaDuminskaya SvetlanaErmakova Al'binaKaganova Olga Arkad`evnaKalyuzhnaya LyubovKerpatenko Yuriy LeonidovichKischenko Julia VladimirKijashko SergijKniga Aleksandr AndreevichMeyerkhold Vsevolod Emil`evichMel`nik Aleksandr
Mishukov Oleg Vasil`evichNikolaenko Lavrentiy Ivanovich
Gonobolina Olga CharlNoskov Andrey Anatol`evich
Ptashnik Henriette
Ruis-Bykova of Erika Luisovna
Tolok AnatolyChernoshkur Vasiliy AndreevichGrebenyuk Vyacheslav Dmitrievich
Kondakova Tat'yanaShul's Helen
Rakovich VitalyUsmanova MarinaTeplyakov Aleksandr
TV, radioShow
Komashko MariyaAlyab`eva Svetlana ViktorovnaBykodir ViktorDeliyev GeorgiyDruzyakina Ludmila Vladimirovna
Duminskaya SvetlanaErmakova Al'binaZverik Aleksey PavlovichZnachenko Igor Pavlovich
Kashitsyna Alla Vasilievna
Kondratyuk Igor
Mishukov Oleg Vasil`evichNazarenko IrinaNikolaenko Lavrentiy Ivanovich
Producers of mass performanceUrbanskiy IgorFesenko VladimirChopovskiy IvoShevtsov Sergey
Yacenko Vladimir Ivanovich
Egorova AlinaKoval YuliyaLitvinova Gyul`nara Akhmetova
Trofimenko NataliyaStarcheus ValeriyaTeplyakov AleksandrShvets Olga
Archives of Tavrii
History club “Licari Velikogo Stepu”National centres of culture in KhersonschinaReligious community of Native Pravoslavian Faith "Svarozhiy Vogon'"Kherson planetariumCenter of living history of "Olesh'e"
Kherson regional centre of people art
Visual art
Art- party "Amber dragon"Kherson regional museum of local loreShowroomsGalleriesGroup A
House of child's and youth creation
Publishing houses of TavriyaMuseum of the contemporary art of Vyacheslav Mashnitskiy"Colorit" store
Kherson provincial branch of the national union of the artists of the UkraineKherson state house of the artistic creationKherson palace of the children's and youthful creationKherson club of the amateurs of the animeKherson regional charity foundation by Polina Rayko
Kherson regional museum of art by A. ShovkunenkoKherson educational-aesthetic complex "Artistic school"Kherson photo-club "New vision"Kherson centre of youth initiations "TOTEM"Kherson regional organization — National Union of Photo-artists of UkraineArt education in KhersonArt salons
Arts and crafts
“Open Air” galleryKherson regional museum of local loreGolopristanskiy district House Children and Youth
Literary museum, B.A.Lavrenev’s house-museumWorkshop of mosaic of ArtMosaikInternational biennale arts textiles “Skifiya”"Colorit" store
Creative association of masters of art and craft "Decor"Kherson palace of the children's and youthful creationAesthetics-club "KLIO"Art-studio ELF-TATTOO
Forge shop "Stefanov smithy"Kherson regional museum of art by A. ShovkunenkoKherson regional centre of people art
Kherson school of cultureArt salons
Cinema archives
Kherson cinemasFilm festivalsKherson provincial enterprise "Kinovideoprokat"International festival of amateurish film "Kinokimmeriya"Kherson regional association of amateurs’ film makers
Art- party "Amber dragon"LibrariesAllukrainian poetic festival "An Ò-Ð-act"Literary sites of Kherson
Literary club "Milky Way"Publishing houses of TavriyaLiterary museum, B.A.Lavrenev’s house-museumSociety of "Prosvita" of the name of Tarasa ShevchenkaMass media about questions of culture and art
Kherson provincial library for the youth of im.Borisa lavrenevaO. Honchar Kherson regional universal scientific libraryKherson club of book-lovers "Kobzar"KHOO SPUCreative group of Leviy Strauss
Media ArtMusic
Bard club GIRAFFEVocal-vaudeville studio «Debut»All-Ukrainian festival - competition of folk music MILKY WAY
Children's jazz band "Dixieland"Friends of THE CIRCLE OF JOY in KhersonClosed type concert areasChamber orchestra HILEYA
Concert areas OPEN AIR
Quartet THE SEASONSLight and sound supplying services for performances
Kherson palace of the children's and youthful creationInternational forum - festival "Krok in maybutnº
"Krok at maybutnº", part 2Pregnancy to music not hindrancePrepare to the festivalA festival «KRok at maybutne» presents the guestsFestival «Krok at maybutnº»: we present participantsIn a gift to the music lovers are songs and grapefruitsFestival "KRok at maybutnº" - waits participantsOur prepare to the festivalA festival unites performersFestival without beer and policyParticipants of festival "KRok at maybutnº"Guests of the festival "kRok u majbutne"A fate steps on KhersonInvites a festival «kRok at maybutne»Invasion of participants of competitionA festival "kRok y maybutne" presents guests: "NEMO" and "FABULA"«Krok at maybutnº»: who on a «warming-up»?Kostya from OdessaA "high-degree" fate is in KhersonRuler of fires Vyacheslav PeteWithin Temptation (Netherlands)We present the guests of festivalA festival waits Kherson in a weekendVladislaw Los' and ironical protestParticipants of festivalAs Kherson stepped in the futureA festival is collected by a scopeFestival footballAbout a festival "KRok at maybutnº", Dzhoni Deppe and Hollywoodby «kRokuvav» Kherson fate-festivalPAIN: Swedish landing on Kherson earthA festival took place: we will sum upOleg "White" Shevchenko is single in many personsThe capital of healthy fateWelcome, «Apocalyptica»!Bellicose Roman Chayka is a musician and journalist«Within Temptation» : music warmsThe Sweet will arrive to KhersonNews from «kRoka»«Ingeborga»Next arrivalFate of po-Krakovski«Metal» in four violoncellosTime of SWEETOn the wings of sorrow-2Restless flow of STILL DRIFTTavriyskiy "kRok at maybutnº "Who will be charmed by Sirenia?"Alchemists" from KazakhstanA festival «Krokue» is in TavriyskThe «white» begin and winWaterfalls of "Al'ternitava"In a center events - Tavriysk«Holodnoe solnce» v TavrijskeIdet-gudet zelenaja tishina«Limerik» from a city on DneprAshore the «Kakhovskogo sea»Who will present the capital?A «cold sun» in sultry JuneNational finale III International festival «kRok at maybutne»Festival without beer and rock-and-rollThe "plot" of a story is loved on all continents«Avgust» will come forward on a festival «kRok u majbutnº»Pets from "Rolliks"Kherson rokery - to the children of TernopolyaYoung people must listen a fate in a healthy countryKherson will hear drama in execution «Shanon»«Day of Europe» with the best representatives of the European fate!«kROK» forward – and two back?«kROK in the future»: fate-marathon long at six o'clockKherson - home of talent"No alcohol, no Tyutyunov without pol³tiki"
N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatre
Elena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Music group. Type Kherson...Kherson regional centre of people art
Association THE LIGHTKherson school of cultureInternational festival TAVRIYA GAMESRock festival TAVRIYA ROCK & ROLLRecording studio ONLINE-RECORDSFestival "BLACK SEA GAMES"Recording studio PLAVNI recordsCreative group of Leviy StraussFestival of chamber and symphonic music of "Amadeus"Folklore groups Of khersonshchinyKherson regional Philharmonic societyKherson musical schoolViA 4h (for age)A regional competition of performers of vaudeville song is "Merry-go-around of melodies"Competition MUSIC TAVRIYAAll-Ukrainian festival of the young executors of contemporary variety song "Azure shore"Concert agency “Plaza”Music festival THE HEART OF UKRAINE
Rock-festival “Prem`era”
Exemplary creative group of the dancing ensemble VIZERUNOK
Kid's choreography studio "MRIYA"
Dancing collectivesTheatrical studio "Maria"Closed type concert areasConcert areas OPEN AIR
School of Oriental dance sport and dance club "Promenad"Folk dancing ensemble CHERVONA KALYNA
Light and sound supplying services for performances
Kherson palace of the children's and youthful creationN. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatre
Elena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Kherson regional centre of people art
Kherson school of cultureInternational festival TAVRIYA GAMESFestival "BLACK SEA GAMES"
Detskij teatr-studija "Chudesa"Kid's choreography studio "MRIYA"
Festival “Melpomena Tavrii”Youth theatre-studio ALLEGORY — “Knekht’s workshop”MONOcipal'nyj centr im.Vs.Mejerhol'da (Herson)National theatre "CHANCE"National young spectators’ theatre "Art lyceum"Theatrical studio “SECRET SOCIETY”National educational theatre “Studio Art” Kherson state university and academic lyceum at the KSUKherson puppet theatreKherson children’s opera theatreKherson palace of the children's and youthful creation
Regional competition "Mel'pomenochka"N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatre
Elena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Kherson regional centre of people art
Kherson school of culture
TV, radioShow
Art- party "Amber dragon"Miss Students and Miss University "- the official competition of beauty and elegance
Kid's choreography studio "MRIYA"
The model agency and children’s fashion theatre YAROSLAVNA STARSAssociation of the air kitesAll-Ukrainian festival of folk creation "Kupal`skie of star"Closed type concert areasConcert areas OPEN AIR
Festival “Melpomena Tavrii”Model agencies, fashion theatresLight and sound supplying services for performances
Kherson night clubs
International forum - festival "Krok in maybutnº
"Krok at maybutnº", part 2Pregnancy to music not hindrancePrepare to the festivalA festival «KRok at maybutne» presents the guestsFestival «Krok at maybutnº»: we present participantsIn a gift to the music lovers are songs and grapefruitsFestival "KRok at maybutnº" - waits participantsOur prepare to the festivalA festival unites performersFestival without beer and policyParticipants of festival "KRok at maybutnº"Guests of the festival "kRok u majbutne"A fate steps on KhersonInvites a festival «kRok at maybutne»Invasion of participants of competitionA festival "kRok y maybutne" presents guests: "NEMO" and "FABULA"«Krok at maybutnº»: who on a «warming-up»?Kostya from OdessaA "high-degree" fate is in KhersonRuler of fires Vyacheslav PeteWithin Temptation (Netherlands)We present the guests of festivalA festival waits Kherson in a weekendVladislaw Los' and ironical protestParticipants of festivalAs Kherson stepped in the futureA festival is collected by a scopeFestival footballAbout a festival "KRok at maybutnº", Dzhoni Deppe and Hollywoodby «kRokuvav» Kherson fate-festivalPAIN: Swedish landing on Kherson earthA festival took place: we will sum upOleg "White" Shevchenko is single in many personsThe capital of healthy fateWelcome, «Apocalyptica»!Bellicose Roman Chayka is a musician and journalist«Within Temptation» : music warmsThe Sweet will arrive to KhersonNews from «kRoka»«Ingeborga»Next arrivalFate of po-Krakovski«Metal» in four violoncellosTime of SWEETOn the wings of sorrow-2Restless flow of STILL DRIFTTavriyskiy "kRok at maybutnº "Who will be charmed by Sirenia?"Alchemists" from KazakhstanA festival «Krokue» is in TavriyskThe «white» begin and winWaterfalls of "Al'ternitava"In a center events - Tavriysk«Holodnoe solnce» v TavrijskeIdet-gudet zelenaja tishina«Limerik» from a city on DneprAshore the «Kakhovskogo sea»Who will present the capital?A «cold sun» in sultry JuneNational finale III International festival «kRok at maybutne»Festival without beer and rock-and-rollThe "plot" of a story is loved on all continents«Avgust» will come forward on a festival «kRok u majbutnº»Pets from "Rolliks"Kherson rokery - to the children of TernopolyaYoung people must listen a fate in a healthy countryKherson will hear drama in execution «Shanon»«Day of Europe» with the best representatives of the European fate!«kROK» forward – and two back?«kROK in the future»: fate-marathon long at six o'clockKherson - home of talent"No alcohol, no Tyutyunov without pol³tiki"
N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatre
Elena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Studio "Artefact"Managements of culture of Kherson city adviceKherson regional centre of people art
Festivals of Tavria
The XII regional festival «Chernobaivskiy solo took place»We prepare to "Chervonoy rute"SpivograjKherson asterisksTo the «glycyrrhiza marvel» in Naked PierCyurupinchane amused oneself «po-aleshkovski»Regional festival of creative young people of «Spalakh»Play, accordion!«Babirussa and Zanziver» in Kherson"Miss Kherson is Miss Tavriya :2009" half-way to the competitionAn autumn ball is autumn flowersGenerous autumn on talents"Miss Kherson is Miss Tavriya"A shipwright is «Island of Christmas»The «wings of Phoenix were straightened the Kherson students»«Zoryane namisto» collected talentsNot simply girls and boys...We are proud of by itIn the "Song opening day"There are not obstacles creationCreative young people reportCompetition of theatrical collectivesBright bouquet of child's creationA competition «The Little stars is conducted in Kherson»The XIV opened competition of young and young performers is the «Little stars»A “star necklace” collected guestsTo the competition «Miss Ukraine» in Kherson - 10 years!Become cross pupil of child's homeA festival gave birth!Festival springAn allukrainian festival of modern song and popular music is in KhersonPopandopulo will arrive in TavriyskFestival of child's courageSinging above Chernobaivka"Òàâð³éñüê³ peredzvoni" - forge ñàìîáóòí³õ òàëàíò³âJazz on the street SuvorovIn Kherson contest took place "Silver Rays"From childhoodLet Venice Kherson jealous!Artists 'master' factoryZasp³vala "soul P³vdnya"
Kherson school of cultureInternational festival TAVRIYA GAMESFestival "BLACK SEA GAMES"Kherson league of the CLUB OF CHEERFUL AND SMART (CCS)Festival of aeronautics “Feeriya v nebe Tavrii” (“Spectacle in Tavria sky”)Club of military-historical reconstructions KHORSAll-Ukrainian child
Interregional motofestival' "Cart"Kherson musical schoolTheater of Natalie Reznik
A tekhno-show is the «Kakhovskiy place of arms»
Kherson club of role modelling and historical fencing TELKONTARKherson centre of aesthetic education of young people TOMIRIDAAll-Ukrainian festival of the young executors of contemporary variety song "Azure shore"Ice complexConcert agency “Plaza”
Antique Greece and the Black Sea areaArchaeology of TavriyaArchitecture of KhersonCharity in TavriyaQuestions of cultureGenealogy of TavriyaHeraldry of TavriyaGoths are in North PrichernomorJewish history of Kherson.Gold of the Scythians
History of culture and the regional study
Forward into the future, or back to the pastTours in ³stor³yu
Secret key Kherson"Mineral water" on through connections? It was and is ...Tavria mad houseProblems Kherson cabbiesTwo-wheeled "Swift"First wingsThe car in Kherson: first kilometersAh, the wedding, the wedding ...Echoes of History1977: mass rallies in KhersonHistory of one buildingHistory of one treeAn age-old clock go yet.Swindlers are in KhersonPirates are in the Kherson provinceHonoured citizen of TurkeyIn the company of new-year persons"I wanted to fly better than birds..."1910 year: what he was for KhersonCaptains Gribkovy are officers and collectorsA dead marshal was sentenced to shootingBaron Wrangel deprived of life "Kursk Nightingale ...A main paratrooper Vasiliy Margelov is a father and commander«Conduct, Budennyy, us more bold in a fight!»A holiday of March, 8 was 100 years agoSnow the winters and wet springs of KhersonKherson from Christmas to Easter: traditions are christian and not very much...«Soviet generals do not trade in a conscience...»Other lay in the grave of hero...Honoured citizen of Kherson«I did, that had time, that able»Kherson gave orders to Navy of the USSRGenealogy on picturesZakhar Vydrigan: «Honour fallen out me...»Theorist with a view of the fountainFor three weeks to the end of war...1960th. In twenty steps from a communismHappy birthday to you, Kherson trolleybus!A «comrade» will return neverMonuments took at nightSometimes planes shot down and a brick ...In Kherson a historian lived with the world nameGera was not yet and to twenty...And Stalin could become the third only...Candy from bolshevistPerished, covering comradesKak muzhik generala pobedilPeople break a secret in water!"Dem'yan Poor is a fellow harmful»With an anniversary you, Botanical garden!To the memorial complex - 20 yearsSecret service agent Valerian BurziPlace of rest and solitudeBus championship is in KhersonFive orders of Maria FortusSummer residence season of beginning of past centuryLord robbersKherson sensations of beginning of the last centuryEmpty tomb. PotemkinIn Kherson burned circus ...Two revolutions sleepy KhersonMayor of Kherson"There was a time - and prices are reduced ..."Non-random acquaintanceDmytro ²vanovich Yavornitsky i KhersonAmet-Han Sultan - the hero of the skyWalk through the old ChersonWith its stunning panorama of the old cityBaroness and diamondsAs from Kherson sailed five tons of goldOur compatriot among the bestKherson in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905Meteorites and comets in the sky Kherson"Bomb dropped on the street Communards" ...What the newspapers wrote KhersonMarch 13 - Emancipation Day KhersonTram on "commissar" has not goneWhen the guns fell silentLiberty Square in Kherson grew roses as tall as a treeHeroic Baltiets of SkadovskKey v³d world znahoditsya have Herson³!"Kherson" unbowed"We wake up electricity darkness" ...More than 100 lei back in Kherson experienced wireless telegraph
At sea v³rn³st swear ...Kidok in KhersonDirector shtuchno¿ r³kiTourism on the ruins of the princelyTalents - export!As Ivan Abramovich met with Aleksandr SergeyevichYour opinionHistory Kherson - from the pages of "Hryvnia""Toad crushed a mayor"Kherson as in 1784...Fountain flowery and singing«Kherson – by a person to history» is a lesson firstA descendant Tropinykh bore in «Path»Thank you that, who... mixedCollectors of autographsI budut u nas jubilei...Ekaterininskiy cathedral already not thatDnepr went spotsProdaetsja Kamenskaja Sech'. NedorogoAgain Call on the holy bellsGenplan is looked overPerspective directions of development of city to 2030 yearThe landscape model of the Kherson fortress is complementedA gun factory and palace will appear in KhersonKind business is always in honourSwan lake: from talks to the real actionsWe will rebuild a public garden all societyKherson remembers the founder"Kherson is a city of a sun"«Arm-chair of Empress»: artefakt returns!Swedish king is in the Kherson mud flowThe model of the Kherson fortress is opened!230 to us already!Aleshkovskie of fun 2008, or go for a walk in the rainThe Kherson fortress will regenerate to the anniversaryVladimir Sal'do is the best mayor of UkraineThe clock on the towerThe future is already written KhersonGift for the archivistThis is a fun name - Pushkin"Showdown" around cartsHistory RevivedArh³v Pfalz-Feyn³v transferred to KhersonOd³ssey, Gann³bal, Att³la in Suchasna ³nter'ºr³The largest private archive of historical information about our regionWonder well rediscovered
GalleryTavr³ºznavstvo yak Naukova napryamokAbode of purity and serenityAngels in helmetsFashion StoryOn the "Moskvich" Dnieper - the bare PierRenaming streets: "FOR" AND "AGAINST"Stars on the dark squares9 October - World Post DayPoison for a sweet tooth?Park four namesA man who left his mark ...There is no bad weather?
Memorial bell and crossHistory of one pictureSweet pearl of KhersonEarth is Kherson, past ages... Who did live here?
Roof from a reed? So the same is steep!"Kherson - by a person to history"Precious lettersAnd in a center a park oak green.«Kherson», built in KhersonIn the steam bath - health will be added ...Kherson - City of the Sun?Ninth Lenin PeaceTake a lot of discoveries!Our famous countrywomanKherson anomaliesPatriarch of local loreKherson. St reformuvali, i pereymenovuvali ...Place of birth - Kherson?Riddle K.M.S. (The story of two destinies)The history of pharmaceutical business in the Kherson regionWhy so sad old oakCatherine well need to restoreNorth-Crimean Canal - 60 yearsOn the tables ³stor³¿
The cossacks and folk-loreKimmeriytsyCulture of the ScythiansNumismatics, bonistika, philately of TavriyaIt is simple reflection about the culture
Burning stranger ideas and historyPassions round John HowardWe study to respect otherThe virus of potreblenchestva does not treat oneself tekhnoutopiyamiAn investment forum of "Tavriyskie is horizons: collaboration, investments, economic development"Art-retreat. Why the state became the propagandist of kitchaFrom a library — in literary garbageIn schools fairy-tales are read children in new wayPoland is in KhersonIs pitie determined by consciousness?Culture on million hryvnyasPark of Lenin ... does not exist?Officials prepare to the force-majeureNew gentlemen for an old sheep, or What a modern art differs from UkrainianA doctor is Chaos. Incomprehensible stages — in the district of cemetery, Minkul'ta and Konchi-zaspyThe users of the Internet take off masks: the epoch of anonymity goes away to the pasWill a fire become eternal?There are 5 thousand pariah-dogs in Kherson. Who is guilty and that to do?Illusion of educationChildren are in the Internet: real risks of virtual immersionsClub establishment or... planetarium?City which we are not present inTo every public garden – on a monumentWhose in the public garden of path?Professional «moralists»Postal with landscape«Seksizm in advertising»You give folk building in a park!RaboukraincyWithout an erotica - not interestingly?Hysteria of success?Deputies, give a money on a culture!An evening is in GidroparkeQuilting - paths overgrow...Gidropark is in beer suds«Get-togethers» on the sainted placesAnd you for whom? Ukraine «maº talent» and admirerMy language... or In what language we look films and read booksProblem on the letter of «Kh», or Say, who your friendDelight and shameNational culture — it and there is a national idea
Religions are in Tavriya
Tavriya and arias.
Tavriya and Great Steppe.
Tavriya and Great migration of people.
Tavriya and Crimean khanate - in a cultural aspectTavriya and polovtsy
Tavriya and sarmatyTavriya and khazar.TavryUkrainian the cossacks are in Tavriya
Ecological culture
"Plavni of Lower Dnepr"Animal cities: such different neighbours...Ekoupravlenie embarked on an environment. Circumferential.Gamble on the site of fireDnepr became poorer by waterAnd by the zashumit' forests HyleaObladministracii has a chart on poisonsOrchids on a sea-shore«Seven nursemaids» for national parksAnd the forest so is not present...Flora and Fauna of Tavria (Kherson)
Karakurty i gadjuki: opasnost' rjadom!Ant sinsSnakes - dangerous or... unhappy?Where cancers, tortoises and frogs, winterWinter appetites of beastsTriton, descendant of first vertebral«Chudo-yudo» is in Ingul'ce: opening which was notSouth of Ukraine, Kherson: legends and legends. «Marine»!Ne bojtes , jeto uzhTarpan is the Kherson mustangHeat and cold: who and as to them adaptsGreat nomadsForest prayers«Nightly misfortune»Living Kherson: "natural book-keeping"A silhouette is in darkness, or the Insolvent openingAbout the Kherson «seals»Guests from distant NorthMiracle on a calendar?Living dollThese eyes on the contrary...Kherson about family membersAnd you what color?Winter: how to survive?Rabies: the danger very realWild beasts in winter will be sitoyWhere are Kherson sparrows?Roof for a young hareVery poisonous partnerJanuary-2010: that took place in natureInhabitants of Kherson: who and as spent winterCormorant which was not waitedTo all this is gone ...Wolf on Kherson: a problem is all more seriousA raven and crow is a not husband and wife: it is different birdsNightingale bank on DneprRules of conduct with vagrant and bitingDuck «acrobatics» on branchesA clever flower is a lily of the valleyA duel is in plavnisRodents of Kherson: known and not very muchPied inhabitants of cityFood of gods at the beginning of the Kherson summerCode of honest duelPlants-vermin: facts and fictionInhabitants of hot Aleshkovskii sands. And not onlyStrangers in Kherson waters: how big a danger?"Fresh blood" for wildlifeOn the poplars and a bit about the peopleA hat kapnulo? Nonsense: the birds are fed!Migrations of birds: great nomadWe - guelder rose race?Cupids in aistinom nestUrban "Critters" - our neighbors
Environmental problems of environmental pollution in Tavria (Kherson)Environmental problems of environmental destruction in Tavria (Kherson)
Rubit' derev'ja? Tol'ko s razreshenija uchenyh!In plavnis want to allow trainsWhy do plavnis burn?Toilet above a river waveButchery on the protected island«A fire blazed up from three sides»Vremja bojat'sja ognja80 forest fires for four monthsWho will protect «easy» cities?Poaching... with a benefit for a healthYou do not chop, fellows, does not chop...Sands of pretknoveniyaLegal illegal trade?Who in the forest for firewoodsKherson. From semisteppe to steppe is one step!Yagorlyckiy kut: does propose on a sale?!«Sandy» business under prohibitionMorport gets over on the left bankGive a money on otkachku of water«Tsar's» village poisons waterProblem of podtopleniya on control of the stateDestroyed pine-tree - will not adorn you a new-year house!Podtoplenie of Kherson: facts and commentsA crisis will rescue the desertBusiness wins treesBirds emigrated even...Relict plavnis cut down alreadyThat Kherson did not become the desertEarth leaves from under feetTo the environmentalists – «neud»Birchs lay down under an axEcological barbarism of po-khersonskiRescue deer!In place of targets – birdNaked Pier against RamsaraThe zoo was a victim of homelessAnd again on Kakhovska HPP: they lost and were losingSoviet Utopia and Kakhovske SeaReserve energizedDefended the bayWho after and who against?Delta of Dnepr: bloody iceThe forest is chopped and in the day-time, and at nightBloody “safari”Lakes going in guestsA governor is against elimination of grovePoachers kill dolphinsRiddles of the lost dolphinsThe road to the temple: landmark - HempBefore the crash one step ...
Environmental activities in Tavria (Kherson)
Lebedinoe ozero - kogda mechta stanovitsja jav'juWill collect oilTrash debatesTree by name NatashaMillions of hryvnyas were thrown out in sand"Let people not break...»In town war is declared with weeds«And in other, wonderful marquise, all be well, all be well...»A new dump can not may needGidropark is a not dump!Joint efforts are a good moodBeauty is the spaset world. And beauty - zhenschina!"We will do Kherson clean!"Will take garbage away togetherDump of garbage, but not sat downContinuers of traditions«Clean production»Large «sazhalovo»"Week of the forest". World and KhersonshinaA traditional bimonthly on equipping with modern amenities of city is begunIn an area landed over 30 thousand of nursery transplants of trees and bushesThe green planting will be poured in obedience to a chartThe lesokhozyaystvennye enterprises of Kherson began landing of treesWill Kherson and Nikolaev «become» related by a dump?Dialog with a home townRegional environmentalists count achievementsThe revival of parklands of Kherson is begun with a park the name of V.I.LeninaDuring the last year the row of nature protection measures is conductedWill «trash» gas heat?What social-and-ecological future expects KhersonWill change garbage on water-melonsBelow – about that, how to get the «Testimonial letter from Nature»Greenery is not enough...Norwegians train us to the cleannessThe revival of the pearl cityChildren's laughter is heard in the 4th Tavrichesky“We - for the clean future!”In Lukomor''ya was oak felled, a cat on m''yaso was cut?On Kherson a lisokul'turna campaign started 2010Will the places of pozharisch turn green?«The future of the forest is in your hands»«Help to legalize a public garden!»Save natureAction in defence of oak groveAnd trees, does appear, old?!Artificial reefs will save the sea
Environmental challenges and solutions environment Tavria (Kherson)Environmental educationUkrainian resort settles camelsFestival of beauty and thrift
People of sea
Golodomor in Kherson regionVisual art
Contemporary art in Kherson
Photo art of TavriyaFuturism in KhersonschinaKherson Body ArtKherson graffitiArt of TavriyaArt education in Kherson
Arts and craftsDesignCinemaLiterature
BibliophilesFrom the history of literary KhersonWriters of TavriyaWriters about TavriyaLITERATURE in the internet
Kherson graffitiFuturism in Khersonschina
Media ArtMusic
From musical history of KhersonMUSIC online
Musical formation on KhersonshchineMusic tours in Kherson
From the theatrical history of KhersonTHEATRE online
Theatrical education in Kherson
TV, radioShow
Day of city in a region KhersonFrom the history of shows in KhersonschinaFleshmob in KhersonKherson Body ArtShow under the “scandal sauce” (fraud)SHOWS, SPECTACLES in the internet
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Mountain and cliff climbingKherson regional museum of local loreWatermelons busynessBerdvotching in TavriiBusiness-incubator on development of green tourismNatural reserve Askaniya Nova by F.E. Falz-Fein