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Àðò-áëîãOrganizationsKhmel` Victor Adol`fovich
Visual artÒàêîé ïðèâû÷íûé äëÿ íàñ òðàíñïîðò…Forward into the future, or back to the pastTurks proposed the head of general of Max on a fortress wallGovernor's position in an exchange on... wifeHoliday of Tat'yan and studentsIn secret language of falling in loveOur "morehodke" - 175!Happy birthday to you, car!As killed a monasteryBitter holiday of «bitter»To the eldest educational establishment of Kherson – 195 years!Giant of inventions from the Kherson provinceAfter prices a police watched at the marketFrom a project «Kherson – forgotten «Yug'»Machine aria of the last ageTo the children – about history
Virlich Avgust ErnstovichGoshkevich Viktor IvanoichJohn Paul JonesRear Admiral John Paul JonesAlexander Suvorov of John Paul JonesJohn Paul Jones in Kherson - a historical reconstruction.
Diachenko Sergei AndreyevichEkaterina II GreatNevidimye muzeiThe lost monuments are old houses of KhersonKherson «Varangian»From the history of the Kherson ShipyardKhersonskiy lighthouse - the highest in EuropeAdmiral House Senyavin
Nikitenko SergeiBanks of the old KhersonDoggy taxHistory of pharmacy business on Kherson.Kherson floodSwindlers of beginning of ageField mail ¹ 39258
Orlova Zorja SolomonovnaPachorskiy Iosif KonradovichPodgaynyPotemkin Grigory AlexanderPrince Tauride Grigory PotemkinDescendant PotemkinUkraine begins... from Potemkin!So who did deprive the heads of the Lightest?Gorgeous Prince TaurisDone!
Skorokhod Aleksandr NikolaevichStark BorisSuvorov Alexander VasiliyTrotskiy Lev DavidovichLev TrozkyjDemon without world revolutionLeo of revolution from Ukrainian steppesNot demon, not hero?..
Fal'ts-Feyn Sofia BogdanovnaFalz-Fein Friedrich EdwardovichFalz-Fein Friedrich Edwardovich (Junior)Falz-Fein Edward AleksandrovichBogutskiy Yuri PetrovichAltypina NataliaAndryuschenko Alexander Paul
Arts and craftsThere will be an exhibition of one theatricalAn international theatrical festival Mel'pomena TavriiPhotographer Alexander Andryushchenko: News, articles, essay
Kryzhanovskiy VitaliusPersonal exhibition of designer-graph Vitaly Kryzhanovskogo. Commodity signsPersonal exhibition of designer-graph Vitaly KryzhanovskogoFrom series there is "Alchemy"
Balash Viktor GrigorievichBelich Ivan VasilievichYur`eva SvetlanaWater colorNewspapers_goroskopy_znaki of the zodiacDrawingPaintingTypesInteriorsSports shirtsDesign of the book_the coverDesign of the book_5 useful adviceDesign of the book_VeneriadaDesign of the book_Peace preservedAbout itselfPhotoVerses
Berezhnoy Aleksandr NikolaevichPaintingPersonal exhibitionlife is very shortThe mysterious life and mysterious deathAt each is the EverestNow debt - after usRomantic our town
Berezhnoy IgorBiletckaya Svetlana AnatolBilokyr Ivan GrigorievichDemchenko SergeiBilyook Vladimir AlexanderBoychenko Igor leonidovichRustle of the periodical pagesLondon Salon of picture - 2006Portrait 1Portrait 2GotikaNuReverse sideQuiet lifeSuch different encountersOuter worldSeamanDekadansEvery-differentMarriageHePortfolio MailyanFrom the personal exhibition of "ILLUSION (it is created handwritten)"TheatrekRock u maybutne"Uletnaya" award
Bondarenko (Shkuropat) Olga VladimirovnaBot`ko Ivan IvanovichBochkarev Mikhail YakovlevichBrailov Ryurik IvanovichBryntsev Nikolay StanislavovichBryntseva Olga GennadiyevnaBykov Anatoliy FedorovichVaganov Vladlen AfanasiyevichVozbranna ZhannaVolyazlovskiy StanislavUkrainian chanceUkrainian chance«Ukrainian chance»«Ukrainian chance» from Stasa VolyazlovskogoHunt is on freedom
Gancho Michail EfimovichGonobolina Olga CharlGoncharenko Vladimir IvanovichGrabovskaya (Petrenko) OlgaGraphic artsBodi-art.Painting.Photo: Still lifePhoto: PortraitThe personal exhibition "Feeling of life"CrimeaNot far from homeX-Crimea
Grigor`eva Marina ValentineGuzik Vladimir AnastasiyevichThe fragments of the personal photo-exhibition "Not only are landscape"From publish in the pressTrip from Tavrii to Carpathians
Gulyaeva OlgaGurich ZoyaGusak MariyaDzheruk NataliyaIcons, embroidered a beadPhoto studiesStill lifePortraitFrom rewardsFrom a project "Harmony of clean lines"WeddingsFrom publish in the pressMusa and the lensWhile some of persons will not stop beating forever
Dzevanovskiy Danila PavlovichDidenko Yuriy VasiliyevichDotsenko Alina VasilyevnaYelizarov Aleksey GeorgiyevichYeremenko Anatoliy GeorgiyevichZagorodnyuk Fedor IvanovichZenenko Peter MikhaylovichKalinichenko Aleksandr StepanovichPhoto-exhibition is "Salt slow waters". 2006People, as they are or love to life.From publish in the press.Invitation on plenery to Tavriya
Kalinskiy Aleksandr AleksandrovichKandybey Vladimir JacobKatynin Dmitriy SemenovichKatynina Oksana GeorgievnaKibrik Vera Vasil’evnaKider FeliksKovacs Aleksandr AdalKozlov Vladimir Anatol`evichKliokta MichaelKovalenko Elena SergeevnaFragments of the personal photo-exhibition of "etc"From publish in the press.The fragments of the personal photo-exhibition are "Dear, anchorwomen of people"
Kosterin Vladimir AleksandrovichKravchenko Vladimir NikolaevicharchitecturegolfCatsHorsesNautical motifsCelebritiesPortraitsWork in the author's techniqueKherson landscapesFlowersPhotos
Kruglaya Nataliya LeonidovnaKurak Stanislav PetrovichKurnakov Georgiy Vasil’evichLavinyukov Aleksandr NikolaevichÎò Äíåñòðà äî ÄíåïðàFrom portfolioFrom publish in the press"So I see"Kraevidy, seen a heartPersonal exhibition 50x50Kherson_historywater
Logacheva Nataliya NikolaevnaMashnitskiy Valeriy Anatol`evichMashnitskiy Vyacheslav Baler’evichMoroz VyacheslavMorugin Valerie MikhaylovichWhen it is needed to fall silent...1"Way to itself""He lives in Kherson Artist""The Gate of Eternity"Reporting exhibitions
Moskovchenko Konstantin IvanovichNikityuk Andrey PetrovichOsadchiy Vladimir Il`ichPetrov Georgiy PetrovichPetruk Alexander PeterPisanko Nikolay NikolaevichPlatonov Anatoliy GeorgievichPlatonov Igor Anatol`evichPotrebenko Vladimir NikolaevichPodgayskiy Vitaliy SergeevichProkhorov Konstantin MikhailovichRayko PolinaSergiy RubanovichSavel`ev Vyacheslav ViktorovichFragments of the personal photo-exhibition are the "Coloured number"Fragments of photo-exhibition are "Miniature"Fragments of the personal photo-exhibition are the "ROADS OF GLORY"PoligoneAscania NovaAlonGranitSolelomSalt way of Vyacheslava Savel'eva«Horizon»
Skidanova Irina NikolaevnaFrom a trip on New LightPictures of age filmsMiscellaneousCrimean sketchWinter Page"" Female format "" - flowers, flowers ...On the waterFrom the life of treesLandscapesCulture and IdentityMy Contacts
Starcheus ValeriyaStepanyan Yurik GrantikovichStetsenko Kseniya AleksandrovnaStrekalovskiy NikolayTakaeva Venera GubaydulevnaTeplyakov AleksandrBodi-artWall paintingPublications are in MASS-MEDIAArbuznaja AmazonkaAlexander Teplyakov: and a wall becomes a pictureArt-fentezi
Tolkunov Egor EgorovichTolstykh Mikhail BorisovichTopunov YurijTopunova IrinaFrom computer graphicsAbout countriesSurrealismCollageGrafikWallpaintingPaintingPoems projektIlustration10x10PhotosVisuelle Poems12 aspekt liveAupai- International
Trapenok Viktor MikhailovichTyshkevich Victor MichaelKhmel` Victor Adol`fovichÒàêîé ïðèâû÷íûé äëÿ íàñ òðàíñïîðò…Forward into the future, or back to the pastTurks proposed the head of general of Max on a fortress wallGovernor's position in an exchange on... wifeHoliday of Tat'yan and studentsIn secret language of falling in loveOur "morehodke" - 175!Happy birthday to you, car!As killed a monasteryBitter holiday of «bitter»To the eldest educational establishment of Kherson – 195 years!Giant of inventions from the Kherson provinceAfter prices a police watched at the marketFrom a project «Kherson – forgotten «Yug'»Machine aria of the last ageTo the children – about history
Khoroshaylo Vladislav LeonidovichKhramtsov Semen MikhailovichKhristich Ivan Grigor`evichKhudoley Vladimir MikhailovichChebukin Igor Anatol`evichChuprina Vladimir Grigor`evichShapko Ivan Grigor’evichShapko Yuriy IvanovichShvets OlgaChay-khanaFrom graphicsFrom fotoproekt: foto Igor Boychenko is a design Eugen BondarenkoFrom role gamesPerfomansySchool of gladnessгçí³ ôîòîãðàô³¿Proekt of festival type of "BABIRUSSA And ZANZIVER".Collection of poemsMy versesHospitalDead personsEnglish poemsSvetozarUkrainian festival of poetry "Antrakt"
Shiyan Nina IvanovnaShkuropat Vasiliy Luk`yanovichShnayder Andrey BorisovichShnayder Boris LukichShayder Yuriy BorisovichShnayder-Senyuk Mariya NestorovnaShtirmer Lazar ShulimovichYakovlev Oleg GeorgievichShul`ga Pavel AndreevichAndrushchenko AndreyGavlovskaya AlinaVaranitsa ViktoriyaBondarenko EvgeniyStefanov VictorVolyazlovskaya JuliVinogradova OlgaGluschenko Viktor PetrovichPostolova Nadezhda ViktorovnaDrozdov Leonid SergeyevichZhitchenko Igor VladimirKats AlinaKachuk Ekaterina SergeevnaKim IlonaKondenko IgorTo the motor-car enthusiasts from Kondenko.To the journalists from Kondenko.To the tale-tellers from Kondenko.To the philosophers from Kondenko.DragonsTo the filmstars from KondenkoSituation from KondenkoTo the erotomaniacs from KondenkoBy a scientist from KondenkoWorld of caricature of Igor KondenkoThe Kherson artist is a prizewinner of competition of caricatures
Kruhov ValeriiLebid' Igor NickMakaryuk Nikolai StepanovichLyachova Tatyana NikolaevnaMaryanski ArtemMatveev Boris SergeevichAnnouncement of exhibitionCityViewMenFrom publish in the press.Boris Matveev: between light and shade
Persistiy KonstantinMoskvitina-Dmitrieva ValerijaMikhail OrlovNadeina NataliaPekelis YuriPastroma DmitryPerel`muter Michael SemenovichItalyLondonVisit to Grounds for SculptureTrip to BENILUXBirth of ocean turtles (Costa Rica)Åñëè õî÷åøü íàñìåøèòü Á-ãàSay to your girlfriendFor People who believe in conspiracyWhy I did not become celebrityVisit to CALIFORNIA (San Francisco - Napa - Loc AngelesIGOLOCHKAU SAMOVARA
Podgorodetskaya SvetlanaSavel'eva ValeryRyleev Vasiliy PetrovichPublications are in MASS-MEDIABetween sky, by earth and... by the futureSoul Masters RyleevaConfessions of a creative person
Tereschenko KonstantinTret'yak NickTitova IrinaTischenko IrinaUs SergiyFurman Aleksandr SergeyevichKhoronyak Anatoliy MikhailovichYudin Victor GrigoryYakushev Vitaly NickYaschuk ChristinaMilchenko XeniaKomashko MariyaAbikulova MarinaBondarenko IrinaLitvinov Nickolaj
DesignSlavic amuletsExpanded metal technologyParticipation in the exhibitionsAn art is not only for «visitants»Muzyka, hardening in a metalOf the new work season 2009From the ôîòîïðîåêòà of Igor Boychenko there is "Form"Artistic forging (Metalloplastika)Äðåâíÿÿ ìàãèÿ ñîâðåìåííèêàÏàòðèîò êóëüòóðíûõ òðàäèöèé Õåðñîíùèíû
Voitsekhovskaya ValentinaGlebova LidiyaZhmen`ko ZoyaBeadEmbroidryTonkipl (the volumetric application)Beads. New collectionBeads bijouterieAccordion of the beadsWe will compliment with the world beautySpecvypusk of magazine "Doublet" is devoted wares from the bead of Z.V. Zhmen'ko"Podorozhniki" - Z.Zhmen'koBotanical fantasiesA sun through leavesBirdiesFragments of work of bead groupWind is in a nightly parkBags-coulombs
Necklace from "UNICHEM maysrin" which demonstrate the model agency "Star Yaroslavna"Presentation of the exhibition of jewelry beads and dolls motanki mug "Yun³ maystrin³"
Kol`tsova NataliyaLapteva Tat'yanaMel`nichenko RomanSushkova DiyaBeyko AnreyBut AlenaKhryapenkova MariaGurich ZoyaGusak MariyaDzheruk NataliyaIcons, embroidered a beadPhoto studiesStill lifePortraitFrom rewardsFrom a project "Harmony of clean lines"WeddingsFrom publish in the pressMusa and the lensWhile some of persons will not stop beating forever
Teplyakov AleksandrBodi-artWall paintingPublications are in MASS-MEDIAArbuznaja AmazonkaAlexander Teplyakov: and a wall becomes a pictureArt-fentezi
Stefanov VictorÂîðîáéîâà Þë³ÿKomashko MariyaKryzhanovskiy Vitalius
CinemaPersonal exhibition of designer-graph Vitaly Kryzhanovskogo. Commodity signsPersonal exhibition of designer-graph Vitaly KryzhanovskogoFrom series there is "Alchemy"
Lebedev DmitriyLitvinov NickolajSlavic amuletsExpanded metal technologyParticipation in the exhibitionsAn art is not only for «visitants»Muzyka, hardening in a metalOf the new work season 2009From the ôîòîïðîåêòà of Igor Boychenko there is "Form"Artistic forging (Metalloplastika)Äðåâíÿÿ ìàãèÿ ñîâðåìåííèêàÏàòðèîò êóëüòóðíûõ òðàäèöèé Õåðñîíùèíû
Yur`eva SvetlanaWater colorNewspapers_goroskopy_znaki of the zodiacDrawingPaintingTypesInteriorsSports shirtsDesign of the book_the coverDesign of the book_5 useful adviceDesign of the book_VeneriadaDesign of the book_Peace preservedAbout itselfPhotoVerses
Miroshnikov AlekseyPoleschuk JaroslavSlipich AnatoliySlipich PavelChepelyuk ElenaDemchenko SergeiBulgarian Igor JacobBondarchuk RomanlBondarchuk Sergey FeodorBortko Vladimir VladimirBykodir Viktor
LiteratureThe international festival of amateur historical films (Bulgaria)PhotoNews Children's Studio KINOKIMERIYA
Garmash Sergey LeonidSergey Garmash that more important than oilSergey Garmashu was 50 years agoSergey Garmash is the honoured citizen of Kherson
Golubkov Alex Vladimirgraphic 3d-artsInternational Competion of Photography "Cinema"PhotosInterior DesignPhotoclub KHERSON International Festival KINOKIMERIYNews photoclub "KHERSON"PHOTOKIMERIY 2009Wedding photoPhotographic competition "Ñinema 2009"Photographer Nikolay StepanovAleksei Golubkov: between cinema and photography
Grin`ko Nick GrigoryDovzhenko Alexander PeterYelagin Aleksandr NikolaevichMatveev Eugen SemenovichNoskov Andrey Anatol`evichSkomorovskiy YakovTelegin Igor YevgenievichOzeritskiy Sergey VictorPodval`nij Jacob AlexanderSumarokov ArturBernhard LierheimerAvramenko OlegAdamov Grigoriy and ArkadiyBratan Nikolai Ivanovich
Media ArtDefender of native wordPresentation of creationInscenizaciya the last poem of Mykola Bratan is "Sly sleep"...Hardness to talk in a past tense
Michael BriefBystrov Vladimir AndreevichVeselov Arkadij AleksandrovichValentina Volkova K.Goloborod`ko George KonstantinovichGoloborod`ko YaroslavGomanyuk Mikola (Mamon)Dunaev Anatoliy MichaelYelagin Aleksandr NikolaevichZharkikh-Shmigel’skiy Valeriy BorisovichZubarev SergeyZubris HarryKabanov AleksandrAlexander Kabanov: «Poety—menedzhery of middle link, writing remarkable verses»Alexander Kabanov. Batman Sagaidachnyi. Crimean-Kherson epic
Kichinskiy Anatoliy IvanovichLaureate of «Slovyanskikh of cuddles»Possessor of "silver feather"«And again the soul of priyma the Lord gift is possibility to regenerate in April...»Anatoliy Kichinskiy: about a poetry, bonuses, piar et alMPs against the winner
Kolomoec Natal'ja Anatol'evnaKondakova Tat'yanaLyubomskaya HelenaLyansberg Olga VasilievnaLavrenev Boris AndreevichLebedev, Aleksandr PavlovichNatasha Croftsñîâðåìåííûå ñòèõèÂèäåîïîýçèÿÍàòàëüÿ Êðîôòñ_âèäåîÊîðîòêèå ñòèõè î ëþáâèÁàëëàäûÑòèõè ïðî ÕåðñîíÊðàñèâûå ñòèõè î ëþáâèÕåðñîí: ñòèõè î ÕåðñîíåÍÀ ÐÀÇÂÀËÈÍÀÕ ÒÐÎÈThe Ancient Wonders of JordanOmanÈíäîêèòàéÀíãëèÿ_ÂåëèêîáðèòàíèÿZanzibarDubaiÀâñòðàëèÿ (ôîòîðåïîðòàæ)Èíäîíåçèÿ_Áàëè è ßâàEaster in the mountains (Short story)Sketch: "Sicily. The Echo of War"Êðóæåíèå_ÌèíèàòþðûFabrizio de AndreFunny poems by Ogden Nash in Russian tranlsationWendy Cope: ladies onlyÐåöåíçèÿ íà êíèãó Âåíäè Êîóï "Äâà ñðåäñòâà îò ëþáâè"ÏóáëèêàöèèÐåöåíçèè_Íàòàëüÿ ÊðîôòñÏîýòû Õåðñîíà íà àâñòðàëèéñêîì ðàäèî: â ïåðåäà÷å ðóññêîãî ÷àñà íà àâñòðàëèéñêîì êàíàëå SBS ïðîçâó÷àëè ñòèõè Íàòàëüè ÊðîôòñÞðèé ËåâèòàíñêèéÕåðñîíñêèå ïîýòû: Ïåòåðáóðãñêàÿ èíòåëëèãåíöèÿ ÷èòàåò õåðñîíñêèõ ïîýòîâÐóññêàÿ ïîýçèÿ ÊèòàÿÂèêà ÂåòðîâàÍ. Êðîôòñ: "Èíòåëëèãåíò. Ñïá" â Íüþ-Éîðêå
Oleksyuk OlegOrlov Jurij NikolaevichOsipov Anatoliy Vital'evichRozmirovska OksanaRube MariaSak Olga GennadievnaSkolibog OlegSorokovikov AndreyUmanskaya SvetlanaCvetkova Irene SergeyChistyakova SvetlanaScherba Taisiya Nikolaevna"Clever kitten"Participating to the wordBulo y take...Light earthly oberegivPoetic opening dayIn search ³stini (stattya about Valentina Volkova)Presentation of the book "Gold bolster dol³: l³teraturny portrait of Nikolai Bro"Lap³darna pravdiv³st words (about Mikola Gurepka)Generous os³n dush³ (draw about Nad³yu Vrisch)
Yanenko Evgeniy NikolaevichDembnitskaya Tatyana AleksandrovnaZamaraeva Irina VladimirovnaKalinichenko Irina Yur`evnaGun`ko AlexanderGrebenyuk Vyacheslav DmitrievichShul's HelenBelasku BellaReturningBefore a stormPortraitHow to know a secretSeroglazochkaKhayd. On verge of precipiceSnowThe eye of dragonThe eye of DragonDon't joke with the godsTo hold in the dry cool placeThe door is not closedDollsTheatre "Chimera". The first actTheatre "Chimera". The intermissionTheatre "Chimera". The third act
Marushchak Elena AlekseevnaMeleshchenko VasiliyNemchenko Ivan VasilievichPotapov Evgeniy AleksandrovichSil`vanskiy Sergey AleksandrovichSuvorov AleksandrChernikov Vladimir AndreevichVald VictorTopunov YurijShvets OlgaChay-khanaFrom graphicsFrom fotoproekt: foto Igor Boychenko is a design Eugen BondarenkoFrom role gamesPerfomansySchool of gladnessгçí³ ôîòîãðàô³¿Proekt of festival type of "BABIRUSSA And ZANZIVER".Collection of poemsMy versesHospitalDead personsEnglish poemsSvetozarUkrainian festival of poetry "Antrakt"
Postolova Nadezhda ViktorovnaGolubkov Alex Vladimir
Musicgraphic 3d-artsInternational Competion of Photography "Cinema"PhotosInterior DesignPhotoclub KHERSON International Festival KINOKIMERIYNews photoclub "KHERSON"PHOTOKIMERIY 2009Wedding photoPhotographic competition "Ñinema 2009"Photographer Nikolay StepanovAleksei Golubkov: between cinema and photography
Oleynik George IvanAfanas`ev MaksimBelikov Valery GennadArtjomenko OlgaVazin Georgiy AndreevichGonobolin Aleksandr CharlGrigor`yeva Tatyana IvanovnaGurba Victor TikhonovichDolgopola Irina VladimirovnaZimovets Yurij NickolaevichIvanchenko IgorKerpatenko Yuriy Leonidovich
AdvertisingConcert program the "Magic music of orchestra"In expectant of large "boom"Repertoire listRockets of po-khersonski
Kiselnikova Inna NikolaevnaLeleko Nataliya VitalievnaMarys VladimirMishukov IgorMoskalenko Vitaly AfanasFotopublicistikaSinner
Nakidaylo Inna OleksandrovnaOleynik George IvanPlakseev ValentineRomantsov YegorSitar` Nadezhda Vasil`evnaSkomorovskiy YakovSoletskiy Lyubomir PetrovichTimofeeva Firuza Anatol`evnaShevtsov SergeyShirinskiy Haris GaneevichYacenko Vladimir IvanovichBarishnikov Boris OlegBerezin AndreyBobrovnik OlgaVazina TatyanaVolkova NataliyaGorin IgorGrebenyuk Vyacheslav DmitrievichDemchenko VladimirDembnitskaya Tatyana AleksandrovnaZakhozhenko OlgaIvanenko Yuriy NikolaevichLevchenko NataliyaUsmanova MarinaChuy AlenaKimach AndreiStarcheus ValeriyaTopunov YurijWhat my motherland was begun with...Studies are lightLikbez the second levelBefore will become better – a situation gets worseWith Stilom the pointed forwardThere is a normal weather on an islandÇ. Before and after «sausage» revolutionTo smokes of homelandMy universities
Kryzhanovskiy Vitalius
DancePersonal exhibition of designer-graph Vitaly Kryzhanovskogo. Commodity signsPersonal exhibition of designer-graph Vitaly KryzhanovskogoFrom series there is "Alchemy"
Dem'yanenko LjudmilaForoschuk GennadiyPoleschuk JaroslavBerezhnoy IgorBondarenko IgorVelichko AleksandrSanina OlgaLarchenko JuliuaNguen ViolettaSafonov AntonShabarshina Galina
TheatreBalash Victor Grigor`evichBykodir Viktor
TV, radioThe international festival of amateur historical films (Bulgaria)PhotoNews Children's Studio KINOKIMERIYA
Varzhalo Tadeush MecheslavovichGall-Savalskaya O. I.Three evenings with the tsarina of the stageBenefit-night of queen of theaterHelen Gall-Saval'skaya: I have nothing to hideWithout makeup and retouching
Gromovenko Pavel FedorovichDobrovol`skaya Sventlana VladimirovnaDuminskaya SvetlanaErmakova Al'binaKaganova Olga Arkad`evnaKalyuzhnaya LyubovKerpatenko Yuriy LeonidovichConcert program the "Magic music of orchestra"In expectant of large "boom"Repertoire listRockets of po-khersonski
Kischenko Julia VladimirKijashko SergijKniga Aleksandr AndreevichAlexander Book: "The theater should educate people"Alexander Kniga: a theater is all my lifeHistory of success is from Oleksandr KnigaAlexander Book: Portrait without retouching
Meyerkhold Vsevolod Emil`evichMel`nik AleksandrMishukov Oleg Vasil`evichNikolaenko Lavrentiy IvanovichGonobolina Olga CharlNoskov Andrey Anatol`evichPtashnik HenrietteRuis-Bykova of Erika LuisovnaTolok AnatolyChernoshkur Vasiliy AndreevichGrebenyuk Vyacheslav DmitrievichKondakova Tat'yanaShul's HelenRakovich VitalyUsmanova MarinaTeplyakov AleksandrBrykov Aleksandr Evgen`evichEvstaf`eva Irina Anatol`evnaZaporozhets Vitaliy KharitonovichMaximova VladislavaMaruschak Anatoliy PetrovichMovchan Sergey AlekseevichMoskalenko Michael VasiliySeródyuk Vasiliy Grigor`evichForoschuk GennadiyKhoronyak Anatoliy Mikhailovich
ShowKomashko MariyaAlyab`eva Svetlana ViktorovnaBykodir Viktor
The international festival of amateur historical films (Bulgaria)PhotoNews Children's Studio KINOKIMERIYA
Deliyev GeorgiySerious actor George DelievGeorge Deliev about a fairy-tale p... by plastic swansDeribasovskaya offered to name the street Deliev-BarskyComic-troupe "Masks" - 25!
Druzyakina Ludmila VladimirovnaDuminskaya SvetlanaErmakova Al'binaZverik Aleksey PavlovichZnachenko Igor PavlovichKashitsyna Alla VasilievnaKondratyuk IgorMishukov Oleg Vasil`evichNazarenko IrinaNikolaenko Lavrentiy IvanovichProducers of mass performanceUrbanskiy IgorFesenko VladimirChopovskiy IvoShevtsov SergeyYacenko Vladimir IvanovichEgorova AlinaKoval YuliyaLitvinova Gyul`nara AkhmetovaTrofimenko NataliyaStarcheus ValeriyaTeplyakov AleksandrBodi-artWall paintingPublications are in MASS-MEDIAArbuznaja AmazonkaAlexander Teplyakov: and a wall becomes a pictureArt-fentezi
Shvets OlgaChay-khanaFrom graphicsFrom fotoproekt: foto Igor Boychenko is a design Eugen BondarenkoFrom role gamesPerfomansySchool of gladnessгçí³ ôîòîãðàô³¿Proekt of festival type of "BABIRUSSA And ZANZIVER".Collection of poemsMy versesHospitalDead personsEnglish poemsSvetozarUkrainian festival of poetry "Antrakt"
TopicsArchives of TavriiHistory club “Licari Velikogo Stepu”National centres of culture in Khersonschina
Visual artThat rumours, who much knows languagesRegional Polish association of "Poloniya",Revival and development of cultural traditions of national minoritiesThe German center is in KhersonZmievka in expectant of kingWe will be helped by JapanesesCharles was surprised a "brick", and Silvia - to the macadamVivat, king!As we met kingGerman newlyWe will talk about UshakoveCrimean-Tatar questionsOur unity – in a varietyChristmas in Kherson is celebrated twiceEtnonacional'naya policy on KhersonOur children staggered a diplomatPhoto-exhibition will tell about life of great greekLittle Bavaria is in Large KhersonTaurian family-2009Crimean Tatars of XX-XXI of ageTolerance is basis of understanding of bagatomanitnosti of national cultures of KhersonKherson is a city tolerantTo know and love the mother tongueGreat German tripOn Poltavskaya will build moslem a centerA republic is Korea: general projects will draw togetherNot extinguished light menorah
It ransacked, the stranger had recoveredChi mozhe buti Kakhovka without legendarno¿ machine-gun Cart?Reconstruction of well on territory of Ekaterininskogo of cathedral"Zheleznyj Feliks" ustojal!Planiruetsya of vozobnovit' dostoprimechatel'nost' istoriiA governor will not touch Lenin without CabinetGuard of monuments of history and culture of KhersonGreat Kobza-player and KhersonMachine-gun "cart" in expectant of repair
Religious community of Native Pravoslavian Faith "Svarozhiy Vogon'"Kherson planetarium"Kosm³chna gord³st hersonts³v"Prior to the stars - to submit handAn universe is visible from KhersonAlla Veldbreht: "Kherson planetarium alive all living"«Mysterious kosmozg»
Center of living history of "Olesh'e"Kherson regional centre of people artArt- party "Amber dragon"Kherson centre of youth initiations "TOTEM"
Arts and craftsLimits of Tolerance«Makarovy telyata»Art-party 1 in the "World fentezi"Art-party 2 "Trips in time and space "Art-party 3 "Forbidden books"Art-party 4 "Amikoshonstvo"Art-party 5 "That there, in Dali?" (To to 100-ëåòèþ Salvador Dali)Art-party 6 "Broken scopes" (To 30-ëåòèþ of the "Bulldozer exhibition")Art-party 7 "Generation of Net.Art I am "Art-party 8 "Dionisiyskie of eugenics"Art-party 9 "Japan: intimate meetings"Art-party 10 "Ìóëüòèìåä³éíèé âåðí³ñàæ"Art-party 11 "Photofeelings"Art-party 12 «Å-citizen» (electronic technologies are in cultural life of modern man)Art-party 13 «Cat Da Vinchi»Art-party 14 «Theft of Europe»Art-party 15 «Nuances»Art-party 16 «Tea on two - 2»Art-party 18 «Makarovy telyata»Art-party 19 «The face of spring»Art-party 20 «Attendants on April»Art-party 21 "Imagine"The center of European information presentsChudovo priv³d for zustr³ch³Art Party "Limits of Tolerance"Art-party "And, no, and, yes,"Art-party 25 "And - no, and - yes" to the Day of the Internet in KhersonArt-party 26 "MyauArt"Madness on a short leashArt-party 28 "Apollo Alliance". By Day of Tourism / Libraries
Kherson regional museum of local loreGoth panyanka is from 5 st.n.e.Birds of KhersonKherson is "City, built for glory»!Museum – it not only that «on a window»...A miracle of nature is a whaleThere are 150 years to Victor GoshkevichA «salute of Victory» is in KhersonIt was complimented with a museum an unique findBillboardThe structure of the museumPayment for visitA brief historical sketchDouble anniversary museum"Paternalistic" Regional MuseumBu znaºte, yak viglyadaº kohannja?Scientific publication
ShowroomsMerry presentationAn art is FountainA tree has the soulInstants and paints of life«An invalid is a not zkhnachit cadger»
GalleriesGroup AHouse of child's and youth creationPublishing houses of TavriyaA book is the best giftEcho of great historyRead - partaken with otherEverybody can touch to the art
Museum of the contemporary art of Vyacheslav Mashnitskiy"Colorit" storeKherson provincial branch of the national union of the artists of the UkraineKherson state house of the artistic creationPhoto of competitionsHouse of artistic creation. The pas and nastoyascheeAttested with a differenceWho did throw on an eye on the house of child's creation?To read poems - it also artPut an eye on a house creation«Appetizing piece» in a center KhersonRead books, to put!«Will save steppe Prichernomor''ya»A game is an ideal mediatorIn char³vnomu sv³t³ or³gam³
Kherson palace of the children's and youthful creationPalace of childhoodKherson «Vizerunok» differedThat able pens are ableTo teach to sing a heartNot oppose to develop talents«Modernu»—5 of years!Air of creation«We begin KVN!»Child's exhibition, surprising adultsVictory of young musicians«It disbelieves that a 10-years-old boy will be able it to play...»Children surprised adultsMiracle-child from KhersonPerel³k gurtk³v that creative ob'ºdnan
Kherson club of the amateurs of the animeKherson regional charity foundation by Polina RaykoKherson regional museum of art by A. ShovkunenkoVirtual acquaintance with a museum.COLLECTION of PORCELAIN And glazed POTTERY XVIII - to first third of XX â.â. in collection of the Kherson artistic museum the name of À.À. ShovkunenkoUKRAINIAN DECORATIVE PAINTING in collection of the Kherson artistic museum the name of À. ShovkunenkoMuseum to the gifts radTo Kherson brought «folk» iconsCaravan of pictures of Ekateriny RozhdestvenskojUnknown men of mark of Ekateriny RozhdestvenskojBeing a characteristic to repeat oneselfTreasure-house of our cityPortrait of wife of artistTo the 125 year from the day of birth of A.ShovkunenkoMarked a prominent countryman«This in winter»: I am on what to lookGeisha and samurai are in KhersonEternal art of Kherson mastersDolls are on toursLyal'koterapiyaPainter of the Sonth edgeAbout creativity Alexei ShovkunenkoWord about the artistChime Museum. Shovkunenko aliveabstract about an exhibition of Transcarpathian artistsP³vden 2011Yura Stepanian
Kherson educational-aesthetic complex "Artistic school"Logotypes of the Kherson educational-aesthetic complexReal «Kotovasiya»When cannons shoot, muses are not quiet...From 5 until the occupation! " Kherson hudozhke - 30 years"School artists - shodinka to maybutno¿ profes³¿
Kherson photo-club "New vision"Festival Photoclubs 2010Festival photoclubs 2011Ôîòîãðàôèÿ ïðîòèâ ñâåòà 2013Ôåñòèâàëü ôîòîêëóáîâ 2014Ôåñòèâàëü ôîòîêëóáîâ 2015
Exhibition-presentation "On an amateur". 2006From life of fotoklub"Fresh look" is in the magazine of Digital PhotographerFrom fotosessiy of the "Fresh look" on plenere and not only..."Announcements-2007"From the archive of the Kherson regional photo of club (1967-1997)A virtual exhibition "In a lens is a photographer"EXHIBITION ACTIVITYFalling in love in beauty of the worldClub exhibitionsValue of ordinary thingsTwo fotodebyuta are in one hall«Winter happiness»«Winter happiness. And not only...»In the lens of photographerSuch different Valentina KolesnikPicture in defence of ecologyFresh look to the photographic artRoad in Aleshkovskuyu the desertRight - three exhibitionsAutumn is in KhersonNews PhotoclubKandidat movementClub collectionThe story comes to life in the "Dialogue of Generations"Catching the elusive historyIn place of stars - “fir-tree-stick”Smityuk usual, Butylochnik forest...«War echo» on service at musesOld problems - new ideasDisbelieve that obviouslyNight among treasureson May, 14 the Kherson journalists on three hours will become blindKherson "dreams" see LvivThe fate of man in "dialogue of generations"Day of the "white cane""Living History" in the generations of Kherson
Kherson regional organization — National Union of Photo-artists of UkraineArt education in KhersonExhibition of creative works student the Kherson Academic lyceum on speciality the "Fine art"anniversary exhaustTalented teachers are talented studentsWhen it is possible to draw by palmsA temple of history is in the Kherson lyceumCreativity - an alternative to the street
Art salons“Open Air” galleryKherson regional museum of local lore
DesignGoth panyanka is from 5 st.n.e.Birds of KhersonKherson is "City, built for glory»!Museum – it not only that «on a window»...A miracle of nature is a whaleThere are 150 years to Victor GoshkevichA «salute of Victory» is in KhersonIt was complimented with a museum an unique findBillboardThe structure of the museumPayment for visitA brief historical sketchDouble anniversary museum"Paternalistic" Regional MuseumBu znaºte, yak viglyadaº kohannja?Scientific publication
Golopristanskiy district House Children and YouthNecklace from "UNICHEM maysrin" which demonstrate the model agency "Star Yaroslavna"Presentation of the exhibition of jewelry beads and dolls motanki mug "Yun³ maystrin³"
Literary museum, B.A.Lavrenev’s house-museumWorkshop of mosaic of ArtMosaikInternational biennale arts textiles “Skifiya”The Katalog "Skifiya 2000"Exhibition Of "Skifiya 2004"Ukrainian the first bonus on international exhibition Text
"Colorit" storeCreative association of masters of art and craft "Decor"From the collection of the suits of Mary Khryapenkovoy and Marini Abikulovoy"Kraina fantaz³¿ i Kazky"
Kherson palace of the children's and youthful creationPalace of childhoodKherson «Vizerunok» differedThat able pens are ableTo teach to sing a heartNot oppose to develop talents«Modernu»—5 of years!Air of creation«We begin KVN!»Child's exhibition, surprising adultsVictory of young musicians«It disbelieves that a 10-years-old boy will be able it to play...»Children surprised adultsMiracle-child from KhersonPerel³k gurtk³v that creative ob'ºdnan
Aesthetics-club "KLIO"Art-studio ELF-TATTOOForge shop "Stefanov smithy"Kherson regional museum of art by A. ShovkunenkoVirtual acquaintance with a museum.COLLECTION of PORCELAIN And glazed POTTERY XVIII - to first third of XX â.â. in collection of the Kherson artistic museum the name of À.À. ShovkunenkoUKRAINIAN DECORATIVE PAINTING in collection of the Kherson artistic museum the name of À. ShovkunenkoMuseum to the gifts radTo Kherson brought «folk» iconsCaravan of pictures of Ekateriny RozhdestvenskojUnknown men of mark of Ekateriny RozhdestvenskojBeing a characteristic to repeat oneselfTreasure-house of our cityPortrait of wife of artistTo the 125 year from the day of birth of A.ShovkunenkoMarked a prominent countryman«This in winter»: I am on what to lookGeisha and samurai are in KhersonEternal art of Kherson mastersDolls are on toursLyal'koterapiyaPainter of the Sonth edgeAbout creativity Alexei ShovkunenkoWord about the artistChime Museum. Shovkunenko aliveabstract about an exhibition of Transcarpathian artistsP³vden 2011Yura Stepanian
Kherson regional centre of people artKherson school of cultureAn exhibition is in Kherson OUNB. November-december 2005.On tracks glorious praschurovYoung people placed accents...And the best in Ukraine brass bandHistory of the creation of Kherson school cultureVidatn³ people yak³ in sv³y hour zak³nchili Hersonske College of CultureFor ab³tur³ºnt³vFrom the creative life of the school
Art salonsDepartment of design of the Kherson national technical universityStudio 3D the graphsKherson department of Ukraine Art designers UnionKherson educational-aesthetic complex "Artistic school"
CinemaCinema archivesKherson cinemas
LiteratureFate of the cinemas of KhersonWill movie theaters go off «with a hammer»?A fairy-tale granted to us!«Taras Bul'ba»: cinema which is looked«Ukraine» – one continuous bilbord«kRok in the future» will conduct an eleemosynary concertUkraine - HollywoodGovernor sells "Ukraine"
Film festivalsWanders FestivalCinema as documentMilitiamen and students will be compelled to look the cinemaThe documentary cinema is in Kherson«Wandering» festival visited Kherson«Komintern» will rise in revolt from an ashTo meeting in Kherson!
Kherson provincial enterprise "Kinovideoprokat"Schoolchildren told about the benefits of the ArmyIn Kherson also do the cinemaFalling in love work in the cinemaWhen the cinema — more than the cinema«Keepers» of true
International festival of amateurish film "Kinokimmeriya"All-Ukrainian film festival of the amatorskogo cinema Of "Kinokimmeriya"photosGolubkov Alex Vladimir
Kherson regional association of amateurs’ film makersgraphic 3d-artsInternational Competion of Photography "Cinema"PhotosInterior DesignPhotoclub KHERSON International Festival KINOKIMERIYNews photoclub "KHERSON"PHOTOKIMERIY 2009Wedding photoPhotographic competition "Ñinema 2009"Photographer Nikolay StepanovAleksei Golubkov: between cinema and photography
International Competion of Photography "Cinema"The cinema is in our lifeKimmeriyskaya boginya- to the best kinokhudozhnikamA prize is Goddess from a burial mound"Kinokimmeriya-2008»International Competion of Photography "Cinema 2008"International Competion of Photography "Cinema 2008""Kinokimeriya - 2008"News KinokimeriyiKinokimmeriyaArt- party "Amber dragon"
Media ArtLimits of Tolerance«Makarovy telyata»Art-party 1 in the "World fentezi"Art-party 2 "Trips in time and space "Art-party 3 "Forbidden books"Art-party 4 "Amikoshonstvo"Art-party 5 "That there, in Dali?" (To to 100-ëåòèþ Salvador Dali)Art-party 6 "Broken scopes" (To 30-ëåòèþ of the "Bulldozer exhibition")Art-party 7 "Generation of Net.Art I am "Art-party 8 "Dionisiyskie of eugenics"Art-party 9 "Japan: intimate meetings"Art-party 10 "Ìóëüòèìåä³éíèé âåðí³ñàæ"Art-party 11 "Photofeelings"Art-party 12 «Å-citizen» (electronic technologies are in cultural life of modern man)Art-party 13 «Cat Da Vinchi»Art-party 14 «Theft of Europe»Art-party 15 «Nuances»Art-party 16 «Tea on two - 2»Art-party 18 «Makarovy telyata»Art-party 19 «The face of spring»Art-party 20 «Attendants on April»Art-party 21 "Imagine"The center of European information presentsChudovo priv³d for zustr³ch³Art Party "Limits of Tolerance"Art-party "And, no, and, yes,"Art-party 25 "And - no, and - yes" to the Day of the Internet in KhersonArt-party 26 "MyauArt"Madness on a short leashArt-party 28 "Apollo Alliance". By Day of Tourism / Libraries
Libraries"Z³rki b³bl³otechnih bloger³v"Yak upolyuvati chitachaYuvelyarts³ in podarunok ... parkPriceless gifts of Kherson"Autumn randevu"Still to gas - it will be ideal«Grant me the quiet of your libraries...»Book state. For molen'kikh!Books - to the children!Masterpieces, created from ribbons"Kalanchackiy book waterfall"A venue is a museumgive each child a bookTo put study traditions“Libraries history living...”Book factory of starsRemembered and markedRead about ecology – save natureA museum of embroidery is in a libraryBooks do not have vacations!Asking a book about loveLibraries of depth - with the internetInternet access for those over ...Remembering the past century"Chuli integer, YAK naprovesn³ early zhayvoronkova p³snya brin³la?"Chotiri holy in odn³y b³bl³otets³"LITTERRA" opens the third season"B³bl³oteka zv³tuº before Gromada"In Kherson was a flash mobSymbolism LibraryWill a book stand on end before a computer?
Allukrainian poetic festival "An Ò-Ð-act"What is Kherson not poetic the capital?Poetry + ekstrim = "AN T-R-ACT"Master Eugen and Larisa Radchenko: reflections about a poetryÔåñòèâàëü ïîýçèè «ÏàëåâîËÈÒ»Ïðåçåíòàöèÿ êíèãè Åâãåíèè Áàðàíîâîé (ßëòà) «Òîì 2-îé».Åâãåíèÿ Áèëü÷åíêî â ÕåðñîíåÀí Ò-Ð-Àêò: Ñåðåáðÿíîå âåêî-2
Literary sites of KhersonLiterary club "Milky Way"Natalia KyslynskyNesin YurySvetlana StephanieVladimir PlotkinAlla JourElena GelfandAlla LyubimovNastia OnoprienkoPresentation of books Nesin YuryLTO WordBook Shop - 2009belaya-voronaMeetings in Hesed
Publishing houses of TavriyaA book is the best giftEcho of great historyRead - partaken with otherEverybody can touch to the art
Literary museum, B.A.Lavrenev’s house-museumSociety of "Prosvita" of the name of Tarasa ShevchenkaMass media about questions of culture and artKherson provincial library for the youth of im.Borisa lavrenevaBrightest events of the first half-year 2008 yearsReading for all and for eachCreative and gifted young people are the future of nationTo the library specialistKonkursThe names are in history of science of KhersonschiniCrisis of reading of young people: an output is!
O. Honchar Kherson regional universal scientific librarySpiritual food became a luxuryIn a library - without a sheepskin coatIn a library an internet-project started the name of O.GoncharaThe fund of regional library the name of O.Gonchara was filled up collection of booksCrisis chtivoIt is needed to talk about itMiracle-tree from... booksWay long 50 yearsA man creates itselfFalling in love is in a word and songYou hurry: in the library of Potter is «happy» Tigr! And not only.«Creative gathering» of falling in love in an artLibrarians are attached to new technologiesLife and time of Karelia Chapeka
Kherson club of book-lovers "Kobzar"KHOO SPUCreative group of Leviy StraussStudio 3D the graphsKherson centre of youth initiations "TOTEM"
MusicThe story comes to life in the "Dialogue of Generations"Catching the elusive historyIn place of stars - “fir-tree-stick”Smityuk usual, Butylochnik forest...«War echo» on service at musesOld problems - new ideasDisbelieve that obviouslyNight among treasureson May, 14 the Kherson journalists on three hours will become blindKherson "dreams" see LvivThe fate of man in "dialogue of generations"Day of the "white cane""Living History" in the generations of Kherson
Bard club GIRAFFEVocal-vaudeville studio «Debut»
AdvertisingDanceThe Allukrainian competition of the name of Oksana Petrucenko took place on KhersonA holiday of song is in Kherson
All-Ukrainian festival - competition of folk music MILKY WAYChildren's jazz band "Dixieland""Dixieland" will have instruments!"The Charter signing autographs," - complains about the life of nine to the queen of jazz
Friends of THE CIRCLE OF JOY in KhersonÑhildren first assume in the heart of the song of the new epochSongs - captivating material for the dancing associationKherson publications and the initiativeThe creation of BoyanOleg Atamanov with the program "Wreath" 30 May 2010
Closed type concert areasChamber orchestra HILEYAConcert areas OPEN AIRQuartet THE SEASONSLight and sound supplying services for performancesKherson palace of the children's and youthful creationPalace of childhoodKherson «Vizerunok» differedThat able pens are ableTo teach to sing a heartNot oppose to develop talents«Modernu»—5 of years!Air of creation«We begin KVN!»Child's exhibition, surprising adultsVictory of young musicians«It disbelieves that a 10-years-old boy will be able it to play...»Children surprised adultsMiracle-child from KhersonPerel³k gurtk³v that creative ob'ºdnan
International forum - festival "Krok in maybutnº"Krok at maybutnº", part 2Pregnancy to music not hindrancePrepare to the festivalA festival «KRok at maybutne» presents the guestsFestival «Krok at maybutnº»: we present participantsIn a gift to the music lovers are songs and grapefruitsFestival "KRok at maybutnº" - waits participantsOur prepare to the festivalA festival unites performersFestival without beer and policyParticipants of festival "KRok at maybutnº"Guests of the festival "kRok u majbutne"A fate steps on KhersonInvites a festival «kRok at maybutne»Invasion of participants of competitionA festival "kRok y maybutne" presents guests: "NEMO" and "FABULA"«Krok at maybutnº»: who on a «warming-up»?Kostya from OdessaA "high-degree" fate is in KhersonRuler of fires Vyacheslav PeteWithin Temptation (Netherlands)We present the guests of festivalA festival waits Kherson in a weekendVladislaw Los' and ironical protestParticipants of festivalAs Kherson stepped in the futureA festival is collected by a scopeFestival footballAbout a festival "KRok at maybutnº", Dzhoni Deppe and Hollywoodby «kRokuvav» Kherson fate-festivalPAIN: Swedish landing on Kherson earthA festival took place: we will sum upOleg "White" Shevchenko is single in many personsThe capital of healthy fateWelcome, «Apocalyptica»!Bellicose Roman Chayka is a musician and journalist«Within Temptation» : music warmsThe Sweet will arrive to KhersonNews from «kRoka»«Ingeborga»Next arrivalFate of po-Krakovski«Metal» in four violoncellosTime of SWEETOn the wings of sorrow-2Restless flow of STILL DRIFTTavriyskiy "kRok at maybutnº "Who will be charmed by Sirenia?"Alchemists" from KazakhstanA festival «Krokue» is in TavriyskThe «white» begin and winWaterfalls of "Al'ternitava"In a center events - Tavriysk«Holodnoe solnce» v TavrijskeIdet-gudet zelenaja tishina«Limerik» from a city on DneprAshore the «Kakhovskogo sea»Who will present the capital?A «cold sun» in sultry JuneNational finale III International festival «kRok at maybutne»Festival without beer and rock-and-rollThe "plot" of a story is loved on all continents«Avgust» will come forward on a festival «kRok u majbutnº»Pets from "Rolliks"Kherson rokery - to the children of TernopolyaYoung people must listen a fate in a healthy countryKherson will hear drama in execution «Shanon»«Day of Europe» with the best representatives of the European fate!«kROK» forward – and two back?«kROK in the future»: fate-marathon long at six o'clockKherson - home of talent"No alcohol, no Tyutyunov without pol³tiki"
N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatreElena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Music group. Type Kherson...Is Natalia Volkova a hypocrite?!TALENTS OF KHERSONKherson, bagatiy on talantiVladimir Demchenko:"Êðèãîëàì" lives by the real«Good spirits, grace and the plastic arts ...»"Step" regenerated or wild "Boar" rests
Kherson regional centre of people artAssociation THE LIGHTKherson school of cultureAn exhibition is in Kherson OUNB. November-december 2005.On tracks glorious praschurovYoung people placed accents...And the best in Ukraine brass bandHistory of the creation of Kherson school cultureVidatn³ people yak³ in sv³y hour zak³nchili Hersonske College of CultureFor ab³tur³ºnt³vFrom the creative life of the school
International festival TAVRIYA GAMESRock festival TAVRIYA ROCK & ROLLRecording studio ONLINE-RECORDSFestival "BLACK SEA GAMES"For children for the sake of the future!From the impressionsChildren, sea, festival...In the cuddles of black sea dolphinTale on the Black Sea
Recording studio PLAVNI recordsCreative group of Leviy StraussFestival of chamber and symphonic music of "Amadeus"Folklore groups Of khersonshchinyKherson regional Philharmonic societyKherson musical schoolFrom the life KHMU.Play, musician! you will be trustedTo the century of music templeTo musical school – 100 yearsAnniversary of Kherson musical schoolMuzyka is in historyProminent graduating students played Baja and "Beatles"Shostakovich, at run in gas-masks and other flashbacks of youthAnniversary with the special scopeTalented young people - to the orphans
ViA 4h (for age)A regional competition of performers of vaudeville song is "Merry-go-around of melodies"Competition MUSIC TAVRIYAAll-Ukrainian festival of the young executors of contemporary variety song "Azure shore"Concert agency “Plaza”Music festival THE HEART OF UKRAINERock-festival “Prem`era”Exemplary creative group of the dancing ensemble VIZERUNOKKid's choreography studio "MRIYA"Dancing collectivesTheatrical studio "Maria"Closed type concert areasConcert areas OPEN AIRSchool of Oriental dance sport and dance club "Promenad"Folk dancing ensemble CHERVONA KALYNALight and sound supplying services for performancesKherson palace of the children's and youthful creation
TheatrePalace of childhoodKherson «Vizerunok» differedThat able pens are ableTo teach to sing a heartNot oppose to develop talents«Modernu»—5 of years!Air of creation«We begin KVN!»Child's exhibition, surprising adultsVictory of young musicians«It disbelieves that a 10-years-old boy will be able it to play...»Children surprised adultsMiracle-child from KhersonPerel³k gurtk³v that creative ob'ºdnan
N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatreElena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Kherson regional centre of people artKherson school of cultureAn exhibition is in Kherson OUNB. November-december 2005.On tracks glorious praschurovYoung people placed accents...And the best in Ukraine brass bandHistory of the creation of Kherson school cultureVidatn³ people yak³ in sv³y hour zak³nchili Hersonske College of CultureFor ab³tur³ºnt³vFrom the creative life of the school
International festival TAVRIYA GAMESFestival "BLACK SEA GAMES"Detskij teatr-studija "Chudesa"
TV, radioAdvertisements TheatreTheatrical stagesContests TheaterThe mystery of the missing snowLong live KUKARYAMBA!"Find the hidden star""Red, honest, passionate.""Troubadour and his friends""We are young!""My little god""Zoryane namisto"Our Billboard"Peter Pan""Knock, knock Who's there?" (Premiere 2011)"Jolly Roger" (premiere 2011)II Festival parad Carnival karapuzov"Äåòñêèå ãëàçêè"
Kid's choreography studio "MRIYA"Festival “Melpomena Tavrii”From the festival life.A festival «Melpomena to Tavrii» is 10 years!A holiday started!Present «Melpomena» is full of surprisesTo "Melpomene" - 10 yearsAnd in Kherson is a carnival!"Mel'pomena Tavrii" is results of anniversary«Mel'pomena Tavrii-2008»Modern ballet overmastered KhersonSoon and Mel'pomena Tavrii!Mel'pomena lives and will liveIn predverii "Mel'pomeny"A «theatrical novel» proceeds!«Mel'pomena» will surprise againVivat, Mel'pomena!Report from the XI International Theater Festival "Tavria Melpomene"Mel'pomena Tavrii. U kazhdogo svoj Gogol'"Mel'pomena Tavrii 2009": latest news«Mel'pomena Tavrii»: take of 11thMel'pomena Tavrii collects new turnsTo meeting, «Mel'pomeno»!«Mel'pomena Tavrii». Five night be falling are full houses!Mel'pomena under a wing for Golden-eyeIon Sapdaru: smotrju na Vas - uznaju svoihIrene Krasilina: I like experimentsVyacheslav Dolgachev: round Chechov“Mel'pomena Tavrii - 12” already on a threshold«Mel'pomena Tavrii» named the bestBefore an appointment and again forgive, «Mel'pomena»!Life is a ball..."Melpomene," sums up"Melpomene Tavr³¿ 12 +1""Melpomene" rozkrivaº svo¿ secreted
Youth theatre-studio ALLEGORY — “Knekht’s workshop”From theatrical performances: a theatrical is "Symphony ¹2" on Daniel KharmsStreet perfomans "Life as sleep"Another theater in Kherson
MONOcipal'nyj centr im.Vs.Mejerhol'da (Herson)The story comes to life in the "Dialogue of Generations"Festival of memory of Vsevolod Meyerkhol'daTheater as document«Mysterious kosmozg»News of the Kherson center of the name of Meyerkhol'dOne day in four actsTheatrical May in a center Meyerkhol'da«Nefertiti» and «Meyerkhol'd»: creative unionThat our life? Game!Other theaters in Kherson"Kosmozg": The Third Coming
National theatre "CHANCE"National young spectators’ theatre "Art lyceum"Theatrical studio “SECRET SOCIETY”National educational theatre “Studio Art” Kherson state university and academic lyceum at the KSUFrom the life of theater.A reward is the «Silver mask»Smiles of the «Sonth masks»Happy holiday, dear Lyceum!
Kherson puppet theatreFavourite theater of kidRepertoireAssociation of the theaterAs to find (map- diagram)Divo of the doll worldNot child's problems of puppet-playIn the theater of dolls is a holiday"Day of love and good"The heroes of fairy-tales hurry in a «depth»HDU Students staged a celebration for childrenStudents were divided light«Hand made», or things with own handsTheatre lyalok chekaº grown on glyadach³vSeminar for "guardians" of childhoodAnd then came the legendary Circo!World in the hands of dollsHersonsk³ lyalkar³The theater of dolls soon will be opened again
Kherson children’s opera theatreKherson palace of the children's and youthful creationPalace of childhoodKherson «Vizerunok» differedThat able pens are ableTo teach to sing a heartNot oppose to develop talents«Modernu»—5 of years!Air of creation«We begin KVN!»Child's exhibition, surprising adultsVictory of young musicians«It disbelieves that a 10-years-old boy will be able it to play...»Children surprised adultsMiracle-child from KhersonPerel³k gurtk³v that creative ob'ºdnan
Regional competition "Mel'pomenochka"N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatreElena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Kherson regional centre of people artKherson school of cultureAn exhibition is in Kherson OUNB. November-december 2005.On tracks glorious praschurovYoung people placed accents...And the best in Ukraine brass bandHistory of the creation of Kherson school cultureVidatn³ people yak³ in sv³y hour zak³nchili Hersonske College of CultureFor ab³tur³ºnt³vFrom the creative life of the school
FM radio of Ukraine - Kherson
ShowMedias went out into a saleLove story on "Europe plus" Kherson"Cherchez la femme" - a traditional project to the day of 8th March passed in ether of "Europe plus" Kherson!Europe plus Kherson 103,1 FM: we are 10 years
Autos-radioRadio SOFIA fm 99,4TV and radio company V²K (Century)TV and radio company ITEL-NKTV and radio company TETTV and radio company TOPKherson Regional State TV and radio company “UA: Kherson”Europe and China is touched KhersonIn ether is KhersonOur house is etherIn lens is «Scythia»«Large Moscow» was reached KhersonTriple victoryUnder a sign Kateriny"People of our edge"As the «Sonth chronics» overmastered Poland«Scythia» is a winner!Bon Appetit!Talanovito, honestly th v³dkritoChar³vniki suchasnost³Catherine Rastorgueva: "I have with the audience - love at first sight"
Art- party "Amber dragon"
TourismLimits of Tolerance«Makarovy telyata»Art-party 1 in the "World fentezi"Art-party 2 "Trips in time and space "Art-party 3 "Forbidden books"Art-party 4 "Amikoshonstvo"Art-party 5 "That there, in Dali?" (To to 100-ëåòèþ Salvador Dali)Art-party 6 "Broken scopes" (To 30-ëåòèþ of the "Bulldozer exhibition")Art-party 7 "Generation of Net.Art I am "Art-party 8 "Dionisiyskie of eugenics"Art-party 9 "Japan: intimate meetings"Art-party 10 "Ìóëüòèìåä³éíèé âåðí³ñàæ"Art-party 11 "Photofeelings"Art-party 12 «Å-citizen» (electronic technologies are in cultural life of modern man)Art-party 13 «Cat Da Vinchi»Art-party 14 «Theft of Europe»Art-party 15 «Nuances»Art-party 16 «Tea on two - 2»Art-party 18 «Makarovy telyata»Art-party 19 «The face of spring»Art-party 20 «Attendants on April»Art-party 21 "Imagine"The center of European information presentsChudovo priv³d for zustr³ch³Art Party "Limits of Tolerance"Art-party "And, no, and, yes,"Art-party 25 "And - no, and - yes" to the Day of the Internet in KhersonArt-party 26 "MyauArt"Madness on a short leashArt-party 28 "Apollo Alliance". By Day of Tourism / Libraries
Miss Students and Miss University "- the official competition of beauty and eleganceKid's choreography studio "MRIYA"The model agency and children’s fashion theatre YAROSLAVNA STARSMazur Olga (Milan)Ostapenko leraVolkova Sasha (Journal "Maxim")Dykalenko Anyathe "Stars Of Yaroslavny" in the journal "New Favorite"Stars Of Yaroslavny - kalendarikIvanova KarinaNazarenko Ira"The Stars Of Yaroslavny" in KievSolovyev LenaMironenko TonyaStars YaroslavnyChildren's theater of the mode of the "stars Of Yaroslavny"Ulya Ryndych
Association of the air kitesAssociation of the air kitesMonogynopaedium of Tarasenko made in KhersonUkraine appeared between Tasmania and USAAir snakes and paper balls are in sky of KhersonPsychological test beautiful animals, AP and its analysisCorrespondenceAuthor's BooksFestivals and eventsAuthoring program beautiful animals, APAuthoring program beautiful animals, AP to the 65 anniversary of WWII VictoryAuthoring program beautiful animals, AP to the 65 anniversary of WWII Victory (28 hours)Programa gurtka "Zm³ºnavtika" st rock navchannyaPrograma gurtka "Zm³ºnavtika" II rock navchannya
All-Ukrainian festival of folk creation "Kupal`skie of star"Festival 2006Kupal'skiy ekstrimKupalsk³ zor³ 2008"Kupal'skie of star" of rain are not afraidWhen rain on happiness"Kupal'skie of star": sanctified a rainAnd «Stars» here – loud!From history of festivalWe celebrate KupaluTo "Kupal'skim all is ready stars"Gopri again festivalit"Kupal'skie of star 2009" is a sun festivalHoliday of water and fireNaked Pier is a city of festivalsDmitry Deminchuk is master of the forgotten instrumentEta magic night...
Closed type concert areasConcert areas OPEN AIRFestival “Melpomena Tavrii”From the festival life.A festival «Melpomena to Tavrii» is 10 years!A holiday started!Present «Melpomena» is full of surprisesTo "Melpomene" - 10 yearsAnd in Kherson is a carnival!"Mel'pomena Tavrii" is results of anniversary«Mel'pomena Tavrii-2008»Modern ballet overmastered KhersonSoon and Mel'pomena Tavrii!Mel'pomena lives and will liveIn predverii "Mel'pomeny"A «theatrical novel» proceeds!«Mel'pomena» will surprise againVivat, Mel'pomena!Report from the XI International Theater Festival "Tavria Melpomene"Mel'pomena Tavrii. U kazhdogo svoj Gogol'"Mel'pomena Tavrii 2009": latest news«Mel'pomena Tavrii»: take of 11thMel'pomena Tavrii collects new turnsTo meeting, «Mel'pomeno»!«Mel'pomena Tavrii». Five night be falling are full houses!Mel'pomena under a wing for Golden-eyeIon Sapdaru: smotrju na Vas - uznaju svoihIrene Krasilina: I like experimentsVyacheslav Dolgachev: round Chechov“Mel'pomena Tavrii - 12” already on a threshold«Mel'pomena Tavrii» named the bestBefore an appointment and again forgive, «Mel'pomena»!Life is a ball..."Melpomene," sums up"Melpomene Tavr³¿ 12 +1""Melpomene" rozkrivaº svo¿ secreted
Model agencies, fashion theatresFrom the demonstrations of the theater of mode "Teya"From the demonstrations of the theater of the modes of the sisters LavrikAssociation Of "Peace.Beauty.Culture"From kolektsii of season the spring- years of 2005 sisters Of Lavrik.Favorite
Light and sound supplying services for performancesKherson night clubsInternational forum - festival "Krok in maybutnº"Krok at maybutnº", part 2Pregnancy to music not hindrancePrepare to the festivalA festival «KRok at maybutne» presents the guestsFestival «Krok at maybutnº»: we present participantsIn a gift to the music lovers are songs and grapefruitsFestival "KRok at maybutnº" - waits participantsOur prepare to the festivalA festival unites performersFestival without beer and policyParticipants of festival "KRok at maybutnº"Guests of the festival "kRok u majbutne"A fate steps on KhersonInvites a festival «kRok at maybutne»Invasion of participants of competitionA festival "kRok y maybutne" presents guests: "NEMO" and "FABULA"«Krok at maybutnº»: who on a «warming-up»?Kostya from OdessaA "high-degree" fate is in KhersonRuler of fires Vyacheslav PeteWithin Temptation (Netherlands)We present the guests of festivalA festival waits Kherson in a weekendVladislaw Los' and ironical protestParticipants of festivalAs Kherson stepped in the futureA festival is collected by a scopeFestival footballAbout a festival "KRok at maybutnº", Dzhoni Deppe and Hollywoodby «kRokuvav» Kherson fate-festivalPAIN: Swedish landing on Kherson earthA festival took place: we will sum upOleg "White" Shevchenko is single in many personsThe capital of healthy fateWelcome, «Apocalyptica»!Bellicose Roman Chayka is a musician and journalist«Within Temptation» : music warmsThe Sweet will arrive to KhersonNews from «kRoka»«Ingeborga»Next arrivalFate of po-Krakovski«Metal» in four violoncellosTime of SWEETOn the wings of sorrow-2Restless flow of STILL DRIFTTavriyskiy "kRok at maybutnº "Who will be charmed by Sirenia?"Alchemists" from KazakhstanA festival «Krokue» is in TavriyskThe «white» begin and winWaterfalls of "Al'ternitava"In a center events - Tavriysk«Holodnoe solnce» v TavrijskeIdet-gudet zelenaja tishina«Limerik» from a city on DneprAshore the «Kakhovskogo sea»Who will present the capital?A «cold sun» in sultry JuneNational finale III International festival «kRok at maybutne»Festival without beer and rock-and-rollThe "plot" of a story is loved on all continents«Avgust» will come forward on a festival «kRok u majbutnº»Pets from "Rolliks"Kherson rokery - to the children of TernopolyaYoung people must listen a fate in a healthy countryKherson will hear drama in execution «Shanon»«Day of Europe» with the best representatives of the European fate!«kROK» forward – and two back?«kROK in the future»: fate-marathon long at six o'clockKherson - home of talent"No alcohol, no Tyutyunov without pol³tiki"
N. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatreElena Berezovskaya: "We dress the actors'And the inspector of grafts does not take!Nash the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineFrom the theatrical lifeCreative composition of the theaterRepertoireThe technical personnel of the theaterAdministration of the theaterHistory of theater in the personsCrisis to the theater not hindranceSuch not simple "Very simple history"the dramatic promises a theatrical about PotemkineIn expectant of "Favourite""Two hearts" overmastered YaltaA «favourite» is a deserving business card of theaterOn the threshold of opening of seasonIn a theater – by all monogynopaedium!"Happy that I live"Sleep which you are real inList of repertoireQueen Elisabeth and prince Charles... on the Kherson stageThe real talent deserves confessionProdelki GogoljaMysticism is in a theaterTriumphal premiere«Inspector on maydane»: new interpretationSongs with tears on eyes for the liberators of citySuccess after "Favourite"In the day of laughter – premier of Golden-eyeGo out, artist, on the stage!To laugh together with Golden-eyeOne time of premier, two premiers...«Mel'pomena» returns again!You will open a magic door!In a theater broke the stageA season is finished. To meeting on the stationTeatral'nye novostiA man of rare professionGreetings from Svyatopuzovki!Whom crushes toad?In anticipation of new surprisesShevchenko Prize-theater?Theater: new season openly...Two things unjoint? Absurdity!“Gamlet”: there are not words are emotionsThe competition of songs took place about KhersonMeeting is with the real snow MaidenAbroad well, and at home betterLiterary living room - in a theaterIgor Boychenko and «Theater of city X»Life is not the scenarioFor presents - to Grandfather Moroz, on a fairy-tale - to the theaterTheatrical kaleidoscopeWhere do children undertake from?Kateryna Samoylik welcomes the women of KhersonTheatrical rewardsSang, danced, helped to the vareniks...«Frenches! We ride to you!»Million for complete happinessEugen Gamayunov: about main and second-rate, or little roles are notMistress of the stageIn a theater – after a good moodParis is submissive!Farewells and meetingsPunctures and fun monkey grass carpWithout him - not the theaterAnd the word was ... Theatre!The sad face of the theaterSeparated by timeSvetlana Duminskaya: "Less than Anna Karenina does not agree"From now on - academic!Irina Bordyug: "Shipping is not easy. I have to prove every day that I was in his place "Theatre: The plans for the new seasonBackstageBehind the facade of the external lightCowboys story or bullshitByword in KhersonTheater postersMonologue after the premiereMain - LiveDanger's Princess TurandotThe theater will be fun and interestingIn podarunok ... striptease!Theatre prepares for the diamond jubileeKherson conquered BulgariaTale in the woods
Studio "Artefact"Managements of culture of Kherson city adviceKherson regional centre of people artFestivals of TavriaThe XII regional festival «Chernobaivskiy solo took place»We prepare to "Chervonoy rute"SpivograjKherson asterisksTo the «glycyrrhiza marvel» in Naked PierCyurupinchane amused oneself «po-aleshkovski»Regional festival of creative young people of «Spalakh»Play, accordion!«Babirussa and Zanziver» in Kherson"Miss Kherson is Miss Tavriya :2009" half-way to the competitionAn autumn ball is autumn flowersGenerous autumn on talents"Miss Kherson is Miss Tavriya"A shipwright is «Island of Christmas»The «wings of Phoenix were straightened the Kherson students»«Zoryane namisto» collected talentsNot simply girls and boys...We are proud of by itIn the "Song opening day"There are not obstacles creationCreative young people reportCompetition of theatrical collectivesBright bouquet of child's creationA competition «The Little stars is conducted in Kherson»The XIV opened competition of young and young performers is the «Little stars»A “star necklace” collected guestsTo the competition «Miss Ukraine» in Kherson - 10 years!Become cross pupil of child's homeA festival gave birth!Festival springAn allukrainian festival of modern song and popular music is in KhersonPopandopulo will arrive in TavriyskFestival of child's courageSinging above Chernobaivka"Òàâð³éñüê³ peredzvoni" - forge ñàìîáóòí³õ òàëàíò³âJazz on the street SuvorovIn Kherson contest took place "Silver Rays"From childhoodLet Venice Kherson jealous!Artists 'master' factoryZasp³vala "soul P³vdnya"
Kherson school of cultureAn exhibition is in Kherson OUNB. November-december 2005.On tracks glorious praschurovYoung people placed accents...And the best in Ukraine brass bandHistory of the creation of Kherson school cultureVidatn³ people yak³ in sv³y hour zak³nchili Hersonske College of CultureFor ab³tur³ºnt³vFrom the creative life of the school
International festival TAVRIYA GAMESFestival "BLACK SEA GAMES"For children for the sake of the future!From the impressionsChildren, sea, festival...In the cuddles of black sea dolphinTale on the Black Sea
Kherson league of the CLUB OF CHEERFUL AND SMART (CCS)New stars of KVNMotion of KVK regenerates in KhersonWe will strike a laughter on a crisis!Kaveenschiki was thrown down on a poolMezhshkol'nyy championship of KVN is positive emotions and good businessesIn KVNe proigravshikh is not present.KVN: a holiday was succeeded!KVN-season festival launchedHersonsk³ "Zayts³ - sered" naykm³tliv³shih!"Mi sm³ºmosya not over people"Won friendshipVesel³ that km³tliv³ shkolyar³
Festival of aeronautics “Feeriya v nebe Tavrii” (“Spectacle in Tavria sky”)Sky became unbuttonedAs I became an aeronautHoliday on earth and in sky!Balls swim above a cityWelcome to fly over Kherson!
Club of military-historical reconstructions KHORSAll-Ukrainian childInterregional motofestival' "Cart"Kherson musical schoolFrom the life KHMU.Play, musician! you will be trustedTo the century of music templeTo musical school – 100 yearsAnniversary of Kherson musical schoolMuzyka is in historyProminent graduating students played Baja and "Beatles"Shostakovich, at run in gas-masks and other flashbacks of youthAnniversary with the special scopeTalented young people - to the orphans
Theater of Natalie ReznikA tekhno-show is the «Kakhovskiy place of arms»Kherson club of role modelling and historical fencing TELKONTARKherson centre of aesthetic education of young people TOMIRIDAAll-Ukrainian festival of the young executors of contemporary variety song "Azure shore"Ice complexAn ice palace is opened in Kherson!Ledovyy complex «Alaska» priglashaet!Kherson, all on skates!Kherson possessor to Cup of the Black sea
Concert agency “Plaza”CULTURE
Litigions themeNewsAbout UsÐåêëàìà íà ñàéòåGuestbookMapCopyrightAntique Greece and the Black Sea areaArchaeology of Tavriya
Golodomor in Kherson regionOguz Kurgan: Kherson-Scythian gold dragged bagsSkeleton with a dowryIn steppe under Kherson.Greatest burial moundStaryj Herson - «grad obrechennyj»?Treasures of the barrows in Kherson RegionClothing of the ScythiansMonuments of archaeology in Kherson regionA «goat» returns!Most ancient "profession". How with it to fightWho such gipparion?For us is archaeological sensationMusicheskie iskusstva v antichnom Severnom Prichernomor'eA chaplet is in ancient North Prichernomor'eArchaeological excavations on Kamyanskoy of SechiArchaeologists found a scythian burial groundKamensky camp could lose foreverSeason excavations hoards not broughtFinds of archaeologistsSettlement on the Big Island of PotemkinAs in Kherson disperse mythsSearch treasures on legendsWill burial mounds leave alone?The underground museum in rural hutNear Kherson students have unearthed an ancient Greek cityKherson region is rich in history no less than AmericaGL Skadovsky that arheolog³ya on Hersonschin³
Architecture of KhersonThat have – does not keepFrom history of architecture of KhersonOn age-old postalsThe lost monuments are old houses of KhersonKhersonskiy lighthouse - the highest in EuropeAdmiral House SenyavinA city without a plan is a money on windSmall architectural khokhmyTake away your buildingsDid prang what is not present?A "arm-chair of Ekateriny" is a revival of artefaktaReconstruction of buildings of Kherson: be or not to be?Scandal on ruinsIt is been Kherson, where to growWho does destroy a chess-sword center?A project got usedA kakhovskaya area will become more attractiveGubernator opolchilsja na pamjatniki i ulicy«Kherson-giprograd»: he was created for the revival of Kherson from ruinsA project got usedModel of the Kherson fortressAs kill old KhersonArchitectural competition«Restoration» proceedsEternal glory to the heroes...Here will be a city? Garden?A revived historyMonument Vsevolod Zabotina opened in the district "KorabelCreate a culture"By him, not living so long to Parade, we must to the closing dates..."Tayny old Khersona - on the day of wellCommunist monument on a monarchist pedestalBe or not to be to pearl of Kherson?«Pizanskie towers» of Kherson«Komintern» will rise in revolt from an ashA gift is to the day of cityGreetings from "the city patchesArea Hannibal want to build up a thoroughlyInstead of a cafe - business centerKherson to 1917Herson 1958Herson 1968Herson 1982
Charity in TavriyaJohn Howard: life in blessing otherEleemosynary concertCharityAs the Kherson businessmen "judged" public menGifts to KhersonBook-plates in a gift to the museumWish good is good and doBlagotvoritel'nost' - not «Razvlecheniya bogatykh», but dushevnaya neobkhodimost' simply PEOPLE"Whoever remembers the past, that does not have the future!"Create good on pleasure peopleSponsors rotined sharks and crocodileEleemosynary concertKherson, help dixieland!A theater is held by the wordPochemu vygodno byt' blagotvoritelemDlja dobryh del krizisa ne suwestvuetV Herson³ bude pritulok dlja bezdomnih tvarin?Benefactors be honorableProof of a pure heart"Eternal children" need a centerEleemosynary marathonThousands of hearts for childrenStair which conducts upLove your life - you live with it!
Questions of cultureWe - the team of one ship«It disbelieves that a 10-years-old boy will be able it to play...»In Kherson marked the International day of child's bookPublic advice at city a head presented new social'no-kul'turnye projects
Genealogy of TavriyaEncyclopaedia of one monogynopaediumHow to find the «roots»A family tree is a tree of memory!«My family tree»How to find their "roots"A few tips for those who wanted to create a family tree of his family
Heraldry of TavriyaTo the series of reasons "HERALDIC INHERITANCE OF KHERSON AND MIKOLAIVSCHINI"Coats of arms of noblemen of TavriiMPs have changed the coat of arms of KhersonCoat of arms of the coat of arms or heraldry - a scienceThe name of our city in its heraldic heritageAnd again, something about the symbolism of KhersonIsrael is "shared" flag?Coat of arms - a serious matter
Goths are in North PrichernomorJewish history of Kherson.Kherson synagogues«World to you!»Kherson synagogues (ñompletion)As resident in Odessa Louvre deceived personsIn shkol³ Chabad "uchat upevneno koristuvatisya Zhyttia
Gold of the ScythiansHistory of culture and the regional studyForward into the future, or back to the pastTours in ³stor³yu
The cossacks and folk-loreThe sons of rebel turbaevtsevWill the secret of the askaniyskogo landing be opened?Velikooleksandr³vskomu area - 85 rok³v!Kahovskij DistrictTrip to Berislavskomu to the districtVisokopol'skiy districtVelikooleksandrovskiy district!The 300-years-old anniversary of Naked Pier will be marked high-levelTell about the villageBilozerskiy districtWhat is a secret of victory in?!History of KhersonSo a city beganLongest embankment"Place this command to name Kherson"Place this command to name Kherson (continuation)Kherson: arithmetic is in geographyFeodor Ushakov: his name is adopt boulevardRoad to the templeOleshk³vsk³ blagod³ynikiAbout scho lepet³li French?Swedish family
220 years ago, Herson was a free trade zoneHonorary citizen of two citiesKherson «Varangian»Governor's position in an exchange on... wifeHoliday of Tat'yan and studentsTurks proposed the head of general of Max on a fortress wallUnder earth - deep into ages!Who did rescue Kherson from a plague?Kherson – by a person to history. 280 years of co Birthday Ekateriny IICorsairs under the Andreevskim flagEkaterininskiy a cathedral is the first stone temple of KhersonMan which rescued a cityArea of Hannibal: first builderGodfather of KhersonThree "St. Paul" in the record of the Admiral Fyodor UshakovAs immortalized PotemkinFoundation of Kherson
"Businessmen luck"Baroness ConkaKherson Province - as it wasBeauty hot southR³d SkadovskihIn secret language of falling in loveRussian emperors and KhersonOur "morehodke" - 175!From the history of the Kherson ShipyardHappy birthday to you, car!As killed a monasteryBitter holiday of «bitter»To the eldest educational establishment of Kherson – 195 years!Giant of inventions from the Kherson provincePostals are again in a fashionThat children on streets did not «dangle»From charitable institutions to hospitalAfter prices a police watched at the marketKherson casting factoryKherson is in a 19 ageKherson is in XIX ageMonasterial plentyWhat Kherson must Duc de RichelieuEmpty tomb. Potemkin (Part Two)On the contribution of German colonists in the development of agriculture and culture of the southern UkraineBut the area was called Fair IndustryElizabeth IIIIllustration of the letters and comments Igor SchmalW (15) October 1859 - 144 years since the birth of Costa Levanovich KhetagurovWhere to while away the cold night?
Secret key Kherson"Mineral water" on through connections? It was and is ...Tavria mad houseProblems Kherson cabbiesTwo-wheeled "Swift"First wingsThe car in Kherson: first kilometersAh, the wedding, the wedding ...Echoes of History1977: mass rallies in KhersonHistory of one buildingHistory of one treeAn age-old clock go yet.Swindlers are in KhersonPirates are in the Kherson provinceHonoured citizen of TurkeyIn the company of new-year persons"I wanted to fly better than birds..."1910 year: what he was for KhersonCaptains Gribkovy are officers and collectorsA dead marshal was sentenced to shootingBaron Wrangel deprived of life "Kursk Nightingale ...A main paratrooper Vasiliy Margelov is a father and commander«Conduct, Budennyy, us more bold in a fight!»A holiday of March, 8 was 100 years agoSnow the winters and wet springs of KhersonKherson from Christmas to Easter: traditions are christian and not very much...«Soviet generals do not trade in a conscience...»Other lay in the grave of hero...Honoured citizen of Kherson«I did, that had time, that able»Kherson gave orders to Navy of the USSRGenealogy on picturesZakhar Vydrigan: «Honour fallen out me...»Theorist with a view of the fountainFor three weeks to the end of war...1960th. In twenty steps from a communismHappy birthday to you, Kherson trolleybus!A «comrade» will return neverMonuments took at nightSometimes planes shot down and a brick ...In Kherson a historian lived with the world nameGera was not yet and to twenty...And Stalin could become the third only...Candy from bolshevistPerished, covering comradesKak muzhik generala pobedilPeople break a secret in water!"Dem'yan Poor is a fellow harmful»With an anniversary you, Botanical garden!To the memorial complex - 20 yearsSecret service agent Valerian BurziPlace of rest and solitudeBus championship is in KhersonFive orders of Maria FortusSummer residence season of beginning of past centuryLord robbersKherson sensations of beginning of the last centuryEmpty tomb. PotemkinIn Kherson burned circus ...Two revolutions sleepy KhersonMayor of Kherson"There was a time - and prices are reduced ..."Non-random acquaintanceDmytro ²vanovich Yavornitsky i KhersonAmet-Han Sultan - the hero of the skyWalk through the old ChersonWith its stunning panorama of the old cityBaroness and diamondsAs from Kherson sailed five tons of goldOur compatriot among the bestKherson in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905Meteorites and comets in the sky Kherson"Bomb dropped on the street Communards" ...What the newspapers wrote KhersonMarch 13 - Emancipation Day KhersonTram on "commissar" has not goneWhen the guns fell silentLiberty Square in Kherson grew roses as tall as a treeHeroic Baltiets of SkadovskKey v³d world znahoditsya have Herson³!"Kherson" unbowed"We wake up electricity darkness" ...More than 100 lei back in Kherson experienced wireless telegraph
At sea v³rn³st swear ...Kidok in KhersonDirector shtuchno¿ r³kiTourism on the ruins of the princelyTalents - export!As Ivan Abramovich met with Aleksandr SergeyevichYour opinionHistory Kherson - from the pages of "Hryvnia""Toad crushed a mayor"Kherson as in 1784...Fountain flowery and singing«Kherson – by a person to history» is a lesson firstA descendant Tropinykh bore in «Path»Thank you that, who... mixedCollectors of autographsI budut u nas jubilei...Ekaterininskiy cathedral already not thatDnepr went spotsProdaetsja Kamenskaja Sech'. NedorogoAgain Call on the holy bellsGenplan is looked overPerspective directions of development of city to 2030 yearThe landscape model of the Kherson fortress is complementedA gun factory and palace will appear in KhersonKind business is always in honourSwan lake: from talks to the real actionsWe will rebuild a public garden all societyKherson remembers the founder"Kherson is a city of a sun"«Arm-chair of Empress»: artefakt returns!Swedish king is in the Kherson mud flowThe model of the Kherson fortress is opened!230 to us already!Aleshkovskie of fun 2008, or go for a walk in the rainThe Kherson fortress will regenerate to the anniversaryVladimir Sal'do is the best mayor of UkraineThe clock on the towerThe future is already written KhersonGift for the archivistThis is a fun name - Pushkin"Showdown" around cartsHistory RevivedArh³v Pfalz-Feyn³v transferred to KhersonOd³ssey, Gann³bal, Att³la in Suchasna ³nter'ºr³The largest private archive of historical information about our regionWonder well rediscovered
GalleryTavr³ºznavstvo yak Naukova napryamokAbode of purity and serenityAngels in helmetsFashion StoryOn the "Moskvich" Dnieper - the bare PierRenaming streets: "FOR" AND "AGAINST"Stars on the dark squares9 October - World Post DayPoison for a sweet tooth?Park four namesA man who left his mark ...There is no bad weather?Memorial bell and crossHistory of one pictureSweet pearl of KhersonEarth is Kherson, past ages... Who did live here?Roof from a reed? So the same is steep!"Kherson - by a person to history"Precious lettersAnd in a center a park oak green.«Kherson», built in KhersonIn the steam bath - health will be added ...Kherson - City of the Sun?Ninth Lenin PeaceTake a lot of discoveries!Our famous countrywomanKherson anomaliesPatriarch of local loreKherson. St reformuvali, i pereymenovuvali ...Place of birth - Kherson?Riddle K.M.S. (The story of two destinies)The history of pharmaceutical business in the Kherson regionWhy so sad old oakCatherine well need to restoreNorth-Crimean Canal - 60 yearsOn the tables ³stor³¿Where a demon takes chumakivWhere the Zaporozhian cossacks undertookAbout Zaporozhia CutStril'cha rockKharakternictvo of cossacksAbout destruction of SichiBogatir is on an estuaryZaporozhian cossacks
KimmeriytsyCulture of the ScythiansAntiquities Of steppe SkifiiChtoby byl on, kak v zhizniRekonstrukcija skifskogo kostjumaScythians, 23-52The ancient capital of the Scythians in the steppes of CrimeaWas God Ukrainian?
Numismatics, bonistika, philately of TavriyaGallery 1Hryvnya – most beautiful!A grivna is a sister of brand and pound sterlingScythian gold. Wild boarIn New Kakhovke found treasure
It is simple reflection about the cultureBurning stranger ideas and historyPassions round John HowardWe study to respect otherThe virus of potreblenchestva does not treat oneself tekhnoutopiyamiAn investment forum of "Tavriyskie is horizons: collaboration, investments, economic development"Art-retreat. Why the state became the propagandist of kitchaFrom a library — in literary garbageIn schools fairy-tales are read children in new wayPoland is in KhersonIs pitie determined by consciousness?Culture on million hryvnyasPark of Lenin ... does not exist?Officials prepare to the force-majeureNew gentlemen for an old sheep, or What a modern art differs from UkrainianA doctor is Chaos. Incomprehensible stages — in the district of cemetery, Minkul'ta and Konchi-zaspyThe users of the Internet take off masks: the epoch of anonymity goes away to the pasWill a fire become eternal?There are 5 thousand pariah-dogs in Kherson. Who is guilty and that to do?Illusion of educationChildren are in the Internet: real risks of virtual immersionsClub establishment or... planetarium?City which we are not present inTo every public garden – on a monumentWhose in the public garden of path?Professional «moralists»Postal with landscape«Seksizm in advertising»You give folk building in a park!RaboukraincyWithout an erotica - not interestingly?Hysteria of success?Deputies, give a money on a culture!An evening is in GidroparkeQuilting - paths overgrow...Gidropark is in beer suds«Get-togethers» on the sainted placesAnd you for whom? Ukraine «maº talent» and admirerMy language... or In what language we look films and read booksProblem on the letter of «Kh», or Say, who your friendDelight and shameNational culture — it and there is a national idea
Religions are in Tavriyademountable temple under KhersonPatroness of the Kherson edgeDevotee BlagochestiyaA temple of sainted George is in Small KardashinkeThere will be the saint in KhersonUnique monument of BerislavaAt Kherson now two saintsI am in Kherson and krishnaityVarsonofiy is the sainted promoter of KhersonCelestial promoter of KhersonA new pastor was appointed us«To the caesar - caesar, and Divine - to God»Anniversary of student templeRenewal of the Pushkin public gardenSvyatyni of vozvraschayutsyaNot mix believing!Kherson iconIcons, honey and monasterial teasAnd a faith so was not put to death.Place, where a temple stood - saintedA svyato-uspenskiy cathedral can collapseAs prayers operate on Kherson powerMiracle of Red LighthouseWe will have new Temple and SaintedImpure against TempleWord about a pastorIt is promised to revive a monasteryWith prayer to the sainted countrymanIn Kherson Hydropark committed ... act of sacrificePilgrimage to the shrine of Kherson region
Tavriya and arias.Tavriya and Great Steppe.Tavriya and Great migration of people.Tavriya and Crimean khanate - in a cultural aspectTavriya and polovtsyTavriya and sarmatyTavriya and khazar.TavryUkrainian the cossacks are in TavriyaHistorical reconstructions: Andriy and young ladyCossack wells are neglectedAnd molvin stone...The cossacks and UkrainianKozakKazachestvoCossack armyAtaman vseya the Cossack republicCossack feedPalankaSainted gornostaivskikh cossacksCossack suitVozrozhdenie kazackoj HersonshinuConfession of Kamenskoy of Sechi by the branch of national preserve «Khortica»Kamenskoy of Sechi - 300 yearsPodgotovka k prazdnovaniju jubileja Kamenskoj SechiPublic toloka of Kamyanskoy of SechiThe workers of oblgosadministracii will take part in toloke on Kamyanskiy of SechiKamyanska to Cut is sight of cossack SechiGathering - by «Paths of cossack glory»Revival of Kamyanskoy of SechiGallant golopristanskii cossackAs the Cossacks went through Bryansk CountyBlew wind, but it was merrily deliciously300 year of Kamånskoy of SechiFor the benefit of route by the «Cossack ways of Kherson»Military pedagogics on Zaporozhia CutOn territory of Kamyanskoy Sechi will create a national natural park in 20 thousands of gaKozatska gull shukaº patr³ot³vAs the Cossacks walked
Ecological culture"Plavni of Lower Dnepr"Animal cities: such different neighbours...Ekoupravlenie embarked on an environment. Circumferential.Gamble on the site of fireDnepr became poorer by waterAnd by the zashumit' forests HyleaObladministracii has a chart on poisonsOrchids on a sea-shore«Seven nursemaids» for national parksAnd the forest so is not present...Flora and Fauna of Tavria (Kherson)
People of seaKarakurty i gadjuki: opasnost' rjadom!Ant sinsSnakes - dangerous or... unhappy?Where cancers, tortoises and frogs, winterWinter appetites of beastsTriton, descendant of first vertebral«Chudo-yudo» is in Ingul'ce: opening which was notSouth of Ukraine, Kherson: legends and legends. «Marine»!Ne bojtes , jeto uzhTarpan is the Kherson mustangHeat and cold: who and as to them adaptsGreat nomadsForest prayers«Nightly misfortune»Living Kherson: "natural book-keeping"A silhouette is in darkness, or the Insolvent openingAbout the Kherson «seals»Guests from distant NorthMiracle on a calendar?Living dollThese eyes on the contrary...Kherson about family membersAnd you what color?Winter: how to survive?Rabies: the danger very realWild beasts in winter will be sitoyWhere are Kherson sparrows?Roof for a young hareVery poisonous partnerJanuary-2010: that took place in natureInhabitants of Kherson: who and as spent winterCormorant which was not waitedTo all this is gone ...Wolf on Kherson: a problem is all more seriousA raven and crow is a not husband and wife: it is different birdsNightingale bank on DneprRules of conduct with vagrant and bitingDuck «acrobatics» on branchesA clever flower is a lily of the valleyA duel is in plavnisRodents of Kherson: known and not very muchPied inhabitants of cityFood of gods at the beginning of the Kherson summerCode of honest duelPlants-vermin: facts and fictionInhabitants of hot Aleshkovskii sands. And not onlyStrangers in Kherson waters: how big a danger?"Fresh blood" for wildlifeOn the poplars and a bit about the peopleA hat kapnulo? Nonsense: the birds are fed!Migrations of birds: great nomadWe - guelder rose race?Cupids in aistinom nestUrban "Critters" - our neighbors
Environmental problems of environmental pollution in Tavria (Kherson)The more dangerous "hatynki" from DzharylgachSorrowful anniversaryPora vernut' dolgiWater in Dnepr is muddyThat the European carp did not dozeDnepr "Water for life" our?The Kherson rivers poison according to planDnepr will perish without little „zhivchikov"Waters poisoned iron and manganeseWe are a not dust under feetNow-how: ecofriendly roundChemistry is guiltyDnepr of color of blood is covered the dead European carpEcological situation is in a townSmityuk usual, Butylochnik forest...Dnepr went spotsThe European carp perished not by chance!Dnepr would not become by a «river-stinkard»Toxic Black SeaIngulets and "Kick" - synonyms?Water with a taste of diesel
Environmental problems of environmental destruction in Tavria (Kherson)Rubit' derev'ja? Tol'ko s razreshenija uchenyh!In plavnis want to allow trainsWhy do plavnis burn?Toilet above a river waveButchery on the protected island«A fire blazed up from three sides»Vremja bojat'sja ognja80 forest fires for four monthsWho will protect «easy» cities?Poaching... with a benefit for a healthYou do not chop, fellows, does not chop...Sands of pretknoveniyaLegal illegal trade?Who in the forest for firewoodsKherson. From semisteppe to steppe is one step!Yagorlyckiy kut: does propose on a sale?!«Sandy» business under prohibitionMorport gets over on the left bankGive a money on otkachku of water«Tsar's» village poisons waterProblem of podtopleniya on control of the stateDestroyed pine-tree - will not adorn you a new-year house!Podtoplenie of Kherson: facts and commentsA crisis will rescue the desertBusiness wins treesBirds emigrated even...Relict plavnis cut down alreadyThat Kherson did not become the desertEarth leaves from under feetTo the environmentalists – «neud»Birchs lay down under an axEcological barbarism of po-khersonskiRescue deer!In place of targets – birdNaked Pier against RamsaraThe zoo was a victim of homelessAnd again on Kakhovska HPP: they lost and were losingSoviet Utopia and Kakhovske SeaReserve energizedDefended the bayWho after and who against?Delta of Dnepr: bloody iceThe forest is chopped and in the day-time, and at nightBloody “safari”Lakes going in guestsA governor is against elimination of grovePoachers kill dolphinsRiddles of the lost dolphinsThe road to the temple: landmark - HempBefore the crash one step ...
Environmental activities in Tavria (Kherson)Lebedinoe ozero - kogda mechta stanovitsja jav'juWill collect oilTrash debatesTree by name NatashaMillions of hryvnyas were thrown out in sand"Let people not break...»In town war is declared with weeds«And in other, wonderful marquise, all be well, all be well...»A new dump can not may needGidropark is a not dump!Joint efforts are a good moodBeauty is the spaset world. And beauty - zhenschina!"We will do Kherson clean!"Will take garbage away togetherDump of garbage, but not sat downContinuers of traditions«Clean production»Large «sazhalovo»"Week of the forest". World and KhersonshinaA traditional bimonthly on equipping with modern amenities of city is begunIn an area landed over 30 thousand of nursery transplants of trees and bushesThe green planting will be poured in obedience to a chartThe lesokhozyaystvennye enterprises of Kherson began landing of treesWill Kherson and Nikolaev «become» related by a dump?Dialog with a home townRegional environmentalists count achievementsThe revival of parklands of Kherson is begun with a park the name of V.I.LeninaDuring the last year the row of nature protection measures is conductedWill «trash» gas heat?What social-and-ecological future expects KhersonWill change garbage on water-melonsBelow – about that, how to get the «Testimonial letter from Nature»Greenery is not enough...Norwegians train us to the cleannessThe revival of the pearl cityChildren's laughter is heard in the 4th Tavrichesky“We - for the clean future!”In Lukomor''ya was oak felled, a cat on m''yaso was cut?On Kherson a lisokul'turna campaign started 2010Will the places of pozharisch turn green?«The future of the forest is in your hands»«Help to legalize a public garden!»Save natureAction in defence of oak groveAnd trees, does appear, old?!Artificial reefs will save the sea
Environmental challenges and solutions environment Tavria (Kherson)Ot 150 i vysheAmbroziya overgrowsWill render an ecological bomb harmless only togetherEnvironment: problems are muchWill sands become by a park?Difficult road to the safe forestOn Kherson there are over 100 places, infected pesticidesWhere to put garbage of January, 1?A chance was given vetroenergetikeIn 30 years Kherson can disappear from the map of UkraineA trash crisis approaches on KhersonConservancy: ideas, money and ecologyGreen in a park only oak?Baked until done, a hoof hurry from the Kherson forestsOn islands restlessly...«Not shoot in white swans»That Khersonchina did not become the desertDo not drink the water ...According homeless animals - or?Bandit "safari"In Kherson will protect birds«Yagorlickiy step» want to sell«Yagorlic'kiy step»: details of landed deribanGarbage is a moneyPort trenched upon plavnisWhat Nalivaychenko rewarded forProblems of green KhersonEnvironmentalists yell «Guard!»Forest, but not desertFish perishes in the Kherson reservoirsMillions to protect trees
Environmental educationPrivezli dve zolotyh medaliTwo medals for one ideaEcological forumRed book as hostage of blood interests"An o'clock of planet is Earth"
Ukrainian resort settles camelsFestival of beauty and thriftNewsExibitionSeminars
Visual artÑåìèíàð "ÌÈ ÇÂÈÍÓÂÀ×ÓªÌÎ! ÃÎËÎÄÎÌÎÐ 1932-1933 ÐÎʲ – ÃÅÍÎÖÈÄ ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÑÜÊÎÃÎ ÍÀÐÎÄÓ"Âòîðîé îáëàñòíîé ñåìèíàð-ïðàêòèêóì çàâåäóþùèõ ìóçååâ è îáùåîáðàçîâàòåëüíûõ ó÷åáíûõ çàâåäåíèé
Photo GalleryContact UsContemporary art in KhersonVISUAL ART onlinePhoto art of Tavriya
Arts and craftsAlbum of "Photographer of Tavrii"Fotoal'bom of "Tarkhankut is a verge of two worlds"Fotoal'bom of "Ïîåç³ÿ zhittya" Â.ÐûëååâàPhotoalbum "Askaniya-Nova - precious land" V. KlimovaFotoal'bom of "Picture Vatslava Moshinskogo".Fotoal'bom is "Look" A.ZborschikaFotoal'bom "Maestro and his students" V. MoshinskogoProject of Tat'yany Skorohod "Wind from a sea"Art LinePhotographic competition of the „CINEMA”Epoch of Al'pertTo memory of friendIt is not been afraid of breech-sight of photocamerasTo settle a picture"P³vden'09": before the appointed time, but high-qualityPIVDEN'09Smell of VesnyRevive a positive!Keeping a legacy of the legendary photographer?Two paints reflect the worldFlight of the soul«Our Al'pert in space!»In Kherson opened amateur «Hollywood»Provincial debutMovie through the eyes of photographersOn the cob creative WayPowdered milkLook at the world of Michael lad
Futurism in KhersonschinaTransmitters of idea of futurismdedicated the 100year of futurism...It would be pleasantly to the futuristsThere is an art in a homelandInvestments are in BurlyukaDyr bul wylA «Hylea» was 100 years agoRussian futurism JapaneseThe mystery of the death of Nicholas BurlyakaEvening of the "Three Musketeers" of Futurism
Kherson Body ArtFrom history of bodi-arta in Tavrii.Project BODY ART magazine the "New favourite" 2005-2006.And does remember how did all begin?Kherson on the International carnivals BODI-ART in Odessa.
Kherson graffitiPetrovskie of wall.I write you...About a «incomprehensible» art – graffiti"Mi rozfarbovuºmo povsjakdenn³st'"Dictionary of Slang and GraffitiW tvorchost³ hersonts³v
Art of TavriyaAn album is "Artists of Tavrii".Polina Rayko. Catalogue of works "Way to paradise"Art LineAlexander Glezer and Kherson artists.Paints of life of artist with a brush in teethInterrupted flight...Art to create perfectionBuilding chroniclers on DneprGift from artistsBearing love and beauty«Once upon a time one artist...»Genius is in a frozen solid apartmentGallery of bright debutsWhere admirers of art?Gift from a clean heartAbout secretSculptor Feofan: I simply workExhibition trailerBreath of Cimmeria in Tavria"Pal³tra zhivo¿ Nature Galini RudenkoPhenomenon Valer³ya Berezhko... And turned out beautifully"I want to zhiti yak³snomu sv³t³"
Art education in KhersonART AND CRAFT onlineThe decorative-applied skill of Tavriya
DesignPhotos to the article "bone carver" the journal "new favorite" December 2003Photos to the article "The Decorative- applied skill: tradition - innovation - management "Little competitor Sorochins'kogo fairWhen a needle works wonderProtectress without a personHere become good handsThe Kherson young people took part in a master- class with pisankarstvaPictures from sand and orangesDeservedly marked "Souvenirs"Garden national masterLife – after a red filamentArt to braid a beadZolot³ hands Deer TkachenkoUkrainian competition carvers among vocational school studentsSp³vachka, aktorka th vishivalnitsyaSculptor and Perseids
Skill of ScythiansFormation of “arts and crafts” school in KhersonSouvenir productionKherson yarnbombingDESIGN in the internetDesign education in KhersonTopographical design, planting and gardening design
CinemaFrom the history of Kherson movie
LiteratureFilm of Kherson – among winners«You will open up the authenticity»Our cvetu— all over the worldAnd countryman our, and water-melons – ourFor us kinematographed...Kherson film wins at festival"Kinokimmeriya": the fifth internationalYuri Garmash: profession of the operator - one of the bestKherson "Kinokimmeriya" gets award
CINEMA onlineFilm criticTavriya through the movie cameraKherson cinema billBibliophiles
Media ArtMusicFrom is gratuitous Kherson bibliophile M.A.Emel'yanovaKherson bibliophile of 2000-2002.Ex-libris from the collections of the Kherson bibliophilesAll life is fascinationBYLICA PersonalitiesWhat books will be popular?«On a call a heart abandon Kherson»
From the history of literary Kherson«Babirussa and Zanziver» in KhersonAutumn rhapsodyWhile poets create, a country has a chance...Meeting with the real artInitiative of the Kherson area«I know, that to the grave it will not be come my...»First editorRed filament of its fateExactly 85 years was the first number of child's newspaper!Fallen in love in this “lady” for life
Writers of TavriyaUrozhajnoe leto, hudozhnika slovaPearl is in a "case"«We care of intellect of Ukraine together!»Bearing love and beautyHigher rewards - in Kherson!Holiday of spring and love"Sail of Nadezhda"«Arm with hearts love»Light of zhar-pticySered hvil' l³teraturnogo morjaOpen center Ukrainian bookGive up a hope, a creator is every askingCreative code Ivana GrigurkaMuses are not quietThe Egyptian tsarina blessed the young Kherson poetsIryna Serednyak. Confession...In the world of child's fantasiesBonus of the name of prominent countrymanGolden Pen of Russia "2010
Writers about TavriyaOles' Potter about Kherson and KhersonTo love Ukraine in Russian...«Dark blue dawns of memory»Poetic report
LITERATURE in the internetKherson graffitiPetrovskie of wall.I write you...About a «incomprehensible» art – graffiti"Mi rozfarbovuºmo povsjakdenn³st'"Dictionary of Slang and GraffitiW tvorchost³ hersonts³v
Futurism in KhersonschinaTransmitters of idea of futurismdedicated the 100year of futurism...It would be pleasantly to the futuristsThere is an art in a homelandInvestments are in BurlyukaDyr bul wylA «Hylea» was 100 years agoRussian futurism JapaneseThe mystery of the death of Nicholas BurlyakaEvening of the "Three Musketeers" of Futurism
From musical history of Kherson
AdvertisingÏåðâûé äèñê êàïåëëûTo the «debut» - 5 yearsOpen your heart!Musical fairiesReturning of holiday«Wind of ages» was reported to KhersonEnjoying sounds...In a park music sounded quietly...As in an area a hymn was chosenLaureate of the Ukrainian modern songBegan to sing on Dnepr – Europe heard!Oj zagraj, zagraj, sop³lko!"Zolote Hron". better not sayColey sp³vaº "Tavrichanka"«Beatles» from Naked MarinasSv³zhe m'yasoRoll³k's: krut³shih for them nemaºBravo, young stars!"To conquer new heights!"Jazz hit by winterIn serts³ p³snya BrinKakhovka zbiraº talentV³ktor Vasil: Folklore - chain nereal³zovan³ talent
MUSIC onlineMusical formation on KhersonshchineLed away city school...«I want to sing better, than Alla Pugacheva!»As a maestro with a maestroFirst step to magicAnd at a piano is a mouseWonderful world of musicreplenishment among exemplary ensemblesMusical vaccineSo to hold, Ira!Bully for you, boysRich on talents Ukrainian earthRehabilitated aria of the Kherson maestroPride of Kherson earthChildren from jazzKherson subjugate DonbasThe festival of conductor's art “Musical Tavriya”
Music tours in KhersonTwo freedoms of Dmitry DzyubyUnusual concertIn each is the field of battleLesson of success from talented"Kvartirnik" without an apartmentThey revive historyDyuk-period with a dream to overmaster EuropeTIK brought unshaven deer to KhersonNatasha is in KhersonIn Kherson all «Dance also!»Lama will bring to Kherson of "Sv³tlo ³ t³n'"Success of Babkina is in KhersonBONEY-M: «In our arrival disbelieved»«Kherson, thank you for a full house!»Vadim Krasnooky and «Mad Heads XL»: we - it's funVlad Cvetaev: not to retreat from a purpose!The best group of Estonia will come forward in KhersonEtno-music maniac Dmitry CiperdyukMan with a tuning fork Igor TsarukBattle for Arabatska Arrow
Advertising materialsUncommon advertisement in KhersonADVERTISEMENT onlineKherson branding and brand namesKherson Body Art
Dance From the history of choreography in Khersonschina
TheatreKnow our!"Stars of the Black sea"With dance on life«Pearl» for the dancers of KhersonWinners of competition on sporting dancesNatalia Kovalenko: victory after victoryDancers competeEuropean dance floor in SkadovskMistetstvo r³dnogo edgeP'yat rok³v: tantsyuºmo dal³
DANCE onlineChoreographic education in KhersonFrom the theatrical history of Kherson
TV, radioShowAndrey Zholdak in Kherson.Skilled drama is in oblmuzdramteatreTo the dramatic art - to live!Spectator phenomenonAnatoliy KhostikoevProfessor-student Bogdan BenyukDoctor of Bole Mere: THEATER IT IS LJUBOVKherson in guests at ... KhersonKherson soloist of the Kievan theaterStanislas Moiseev: not to go under the thumb of publicBogdan Benyuk: "A star is an aggregate of plasma and gas"«VERBATIM», SIR!!!Theatrical show under the dome of "Shapito"Youth and old ageKherson «wrote» script for a theatricalTo take offKherson theater in the period of occupation 1941-1943Short turn on theatrical publicA dean has twin!Witch: dossier from "meyerkhol'dov"Reviving traditions of Meyerkhol'daInvite a theater lover!We will perpetuate the name of Meyerkhol'd!In the theater of miniatures are bear actors«A theater is an improper place, where naked women walk»Metamorphosis of Evgeniya SimonovaVladimir Petriv: a theater must surprise«Theatrical spring of Kherson»Saga about the Odessa courtVitaliy Bondarev - three times betterIt is changing, like clouds, playing with the sunTheatre "Vikontse" will know the ministersKherson playwright selected for participation in the program of London's Royal Court"Mi poklikan³ daruvati rad³st"Listen to your heart!"Mask": Happiness is
THEATRE onlineTheatrical education in KhersonTheatrical springIf we are single, we are invincibleOn star of television teach in a lyceumYoung actors touched to the tearsPoint of honour - to play in presentation
Day of city in a region Kherson
TourismName-days of senior pobratimaA city is ready to the surprisesIn Ivanovke finished celebrating Day sat downKherson - 231Goloj Pristane - 300!231-year-old Kherson managed to surpriseDay of the city. eveCities and countries welcomed Kherson happy birthdayImpossible is possible, or as Gola Pristan anniversary celebratedLast Sunday the legendary Kakhovka celebrated its 218 anniversaryGenichesk - 225 yearsKherson is confident in the futureFish and "flog" watermelonsTwo hundred thirty-three toddler, two hundred thirty-three Bride"We were not 200, we vzhe 300, and, mozhlivo, D b³lshe l³t!"Misto, yak vm³º divuvati
From the history of shows in KhersonschinaSumchani prikarpatts³ that - in Gen³cheskuFrom a competition to the competitionAbove the edge of Tavriyskim of songs there is ringing of bells«Dnepr of Bayk of Festas»Tarapunka i Shtepsel propisany v HersoneRewards for creationWeek-days and holidays of clown of ThemeStar childhoodKherson ragsy beat recordsTerrible, dangerous, air.Shou-biznes is in Kherson: zakulis'eCrown is not tight and the principles do not pressThe President applauded hersontsy standing«Western stars would give up Ukrainian shou-biznes in odnochas'e»GODO: doomsday will not be!Confluence of the souls: Svetlana and Vitaly Belonozhko«I attained nothing yet»“Pls at paradise” in guests in “City of unasleep”Almost after DyumaValery Mikhaylovskiy: and a body will say that unsubject to the wordKherson filled krasun³In Kherson bake a giant pancakePancake Day in KhersonJust not looking v³dvedeshVelikooleksandr³vsk³ kultarm³yts³ said about himself at all Ukra¿nu
Fleshmob in KhersonKherson Body ArtFrom history of bodi-arta in Tavrii.Project BODY ART magazine the "New favourite" 2005-2006.And does remember how did all begin?Kherson on the International carnivals BODI-ART in Odessa.
Show under the “scandal sauce” (fraud)SHOWS, SPECTACLES in the internetÈíôîðìàöèÿ
Tourism, rest, entertainmentÒàêîé ïðèâû÷íûé äëÿ íàñ òðàíñïîðò…Gift with own handsMy universitiesEta magic night...From a competition to the competitionA city without a plan is a money on windIllusion of educationDeputies, give a money on a culture!"I woke up in the morning - smile!"In New Kakhovke found treasure"We create. And it already healthily!"Everybody can touch to the artFoundation of KhersonElizabeth IIICrisis to the theater not hindranceThe theater of dolls soon will be opened againVladimir Sal'do is the best mayor of UkraineSecret key KhersonWill a book stand on end before a computer?National culture — it and there is a national idea"Mineral water" on through connections? It was and is ...
Mountain and cliff climbing
Hersoncy na Jel'bruse«Better than mountains can be only mountains»Both pleasure and prizesButterflies are on snowRock climbing
Kherson regional museum of local loreGoth panyanka is from 5 st.n.e.Birds of KhersonKherson is "City, built for glory»!Museum – it not only that «on a window»...A miracle of nature is a whaleThere are 150 years to Victor GoshkevichA «salute of Victory» is in KhersonIt was complimented with a museum an unique findBillboardThe structure of the museumPayment for visitA brief historical sketchDouble anniversary museum"Paternalistic" Regional MuseumBu znaºte, yak viglyadaº kohannja?Scientific publication
Watermelons busyness"Water-melon holiday"Report from the Festival 2008With a water-melon on lifeIt is not KhersonOur water-melons are waited in Germany, Poland and Russia"Take, all of it, without nitrates"Heat a water-melonAs changed garbage on water-melonsKherson water-melon as character of rebellingWater-melon juice - on an alcohol? - Why no.From water-melon recipesRascvetali dyni i arbuzyChi bezpechn³ kavuni?watermelon boom or game mediatorsSquare watermelons from PanamaAbout watermelon for everyoneSuch holy íåìຠon âñ³é Óêðà¿í³!Kherson watermelons - SwedesGermans like golopristanskoe jam watermelonWhy watermelons such expensive?Watermelon recordArtkavun the I Festival "Hersoncky Kavun"Brand "Kherson watermelons"
Berdvotching in TavriiBirds: «strange» meetingsPhotos of birds from the "water maze"Kedrovka: guest from NorthBirds in town how to get along with mischief-makersPredatory birds on Kherson: winter meetingsPoultries water-bog lands of UkraineThe winged agriculturists in offense will not be givenGulls arrived100 orehov za ... wekoj?Jekskursija vyhodnogo dnja
Business-incubator on development of green tourismSeminar on green tourism on the base of farmstead of "Gull"Seminars 2007Exhibitions in Kherson 2007Exhibitions in Kiev 2007A booklet is "Business-ground "Tavriyskiy litnik"
Natural reserve Askaniya Nova by F.E. Falz-Fein