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> Organizations > Theatre > Festival “Melpomena Tavrii”

Festival “Melpomena Tavrii”

The international theatrical festival MELPOMENA OF TAVRIYA  since 1998 has been held yearly in Kherson in the middle of June.

The main idea of the festival is the popularization of the theatre, raise of its authority, experience exchange between creative organisations, acquaintance with theatrical premiers and the most interesting creative issues of the different parts of Ukraine.

The organisers of the festival: the Ministry of culture and tourism of Ukraine, National association of theatrical workers of Ukraine, Kherson regional state administration, M. Kulish Kherson regional academic music and drama theatre, the Festival centre with association of organisers of Tavriya games and Kherson local authorities. The members of the jury are the best theatrical workers, artists and theatrical critics.

The international festival MELPOMENA OF TAVRIYA consists of the ceremonial opening, rating of the theatrical premiers and the rest is the work of jury.

73022 Kherson, 7 Gor’kiy Str. +38(0552) 22-50-93;  49-22-30; 49-10-22
e-mail: teatrkulisha@rambler.ru


From the festival life.

Report from the XI International Theater Festival "Tavria Melpomene"


Новини "Мельпомени Таврії"


05.05.2011 "Melpomene" rozkrivaє svoї secreted
03.03.2011 "Melpomene Tavrії 12 +1"
13.10.2010 "Melpomene," sums up
24.06.2010 Life is a ball...
24.06.2010 Before an appointment and again forgive, «Mel'pomena»!
04.06.2010 «Mel'pomena Tavrii» named the best
02.06.2010 “Mel'pomena Tavrii - 12” already on a threshold
30.06.2009 Irene Krasilina: I like experiments
25.06.2009 Vyacheslav Dolgachev: round Chechov
24.06.2009 Ion Sapdaru: smotrju na Vas - uznaju svoih
22.06.2009 Mel'pomena under a wing for Golden-eye
22.06.2009 «Mel'pomena Tavrii». Five night be falling are full houses!
04.06.2009 Mel'pomena Tavrii collects new turns
04.06.2009 To meeting, «Mel'pomeno»!
01.06.2009 Mel'pomena Tavrii. U kazhdogo svoj Gogol'
01.06.2009 "Mel'pomena Tavrii 2009": latest news
28.05.2009 «Mel'pomena Tavrii»: take of 11th
28.05.2009 Vivat, Mel'pomena!
05.05.2009 A «theatrical novel» proceeds!
05.05.2009 In predverii "Mel'pomeny"
05.05.2009 «Mel'pomena» will surprise again
27.04.2009 Soon and Mel'pomena Tavrii!
27.04.2009 Mel'pomena lives and will live
21.10.2008 Modern ballet overmastered Kherson
13.08.2008 «Mel'pomena Tavrii-2008»
14.07.2008 "Mel'pomena Tavrii" is results of anniversary
07.07.2008 And in Kherson is a carnival!
19.06.2008 A holiday started!
19.06.2008 To "Melpomene" - 10 years
12.06.2008 A festival «Melpomena to Tavrii» is 10 years!
06.06.2008 Present «Melpomena» is full of surprises
5. 19.04.2019 23:58
Iga Jambor-Skupniewicz
Hello, We are Alelale Theatre. Theatre from Bydgoszcz. Theatre from Poland. We are an alternative puppet theatre. We perform for children and adults alike. We would like to submit our production entitled “The Dreams of Maria Dunin” by Karol Irzykowski. This performance is appropriate for adults. We have recently received funding to attend an international festival. This will be fully covered by our sponsor. We are currently looking for a festival that will appreciate our art and invite us to present to their audience. Your festival is a great event and we believe that our show could play a part in it. "The aesthetics of the play is captivating. The actors sense the space superbly. It is interesting how all of just few props are being employed on the stage. Magic is intensified by implementing many elements known from physical form theatre. "The Dreams of Maria Dunin" has a complex, yet understandable internal structure. An unreal story of Maria Dunin, which sets a stage for puppetry skills of the thespians, is clipped together by real stories of the opening and closing acts. The main character's perception of her husband is different at the beginning and at the end of the story." (excerpt from the review at Slot Art Festival).
4. 19.05.2011 07:52
театр " У моста"


В рамках фестиваля 24 мая в Херсон приезжает Пермский театр "У Моста" лауреат национнальной премии "Золотая Маска" (Россия).

На суд зрителю таетр представляет спектакль драматурга М. МакДонаха «Калека с Инишмана».

3. 07.05.2011 12:39

Уважаемые господа! Скудость рецензий поражает. Неужели в Херсоне нет грамотных людей, способных создать аналитический материал. Почитайте рецензии в николаевских газетах на фестиваль HOMO LUDENS.  Может Вам захочется пригласить критиков из Николаева или других мест, чтобы читать о спектаклях было интересно. С уважением Алена.

2. 14.06.2010 14:21

Фоторепортажі Олександра Андрющенко з фестивалю готуються найближчим часом.

1. 13.06.2010 01:55

А коли з"являться репортажі з 12-го фестивалю?????????

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