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13.05.2015, 09:45


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01.08.2015, 13:17

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13.05.2015, 09:52


> Topics > Dance > DANCE online

DANCE online

Dance, patterned and rhythmic bodily movements, usually performed to music, that serve as a form of communication or expression. Human beings express themselves naturally through movement. Dance is the transformation of ordinary functional and expressive movement into extraordinary movement for extraordinary purposes; even a common movement such as walking is performed in dance in a patterned way, perhaps in circles or to a special rhythm, and it occurs in a special context. Dance may involve a fixed vocabulary of movements that have no meaning in themselves, as in much of ballet and European folk dance, or pantomime and symbolic gestures may be used, as in many Asian dance forms. Peoples of different cultures dance differently and for varying purposes; their varied forms of dance can reveal much about their way of life.

http://artportal.org.ua  http://artvertep.dp.ua/
The association of the modern and stage dance of Ukraine http://www.ukrdance.com
Portal of the ball dancing in Ukraine http://dance.in.ua/
"Dancing in Russia and in the world" on the website http://www.dancelife.ru/
"Everything about dancing and for dancing"
Russian dance forum http://www.danceforum.ru
Info agency CULTURE
Belly dancing


1. 15.04.2015 17:24
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