> Topics > CULTURE > Ecological culture > Environmental problems of environmental destruction in Tavria (Kherson)
Екологічні проблеми руйнування довколишнього середовища в Таврії (Херсонщини)
Горел Черноморский биосферный заповедникArticles
02.03.2011 Before the crash one step ...18.11.2010 The road to the temple: landmark - Hemp
24.06.2010 Riddles of the lost dolphins
04.06.2010 Poachers kill dolphins
02.06.2010 A governor is against elimination of grove
01.04.2010 Lakes going in guests
23.03.2010 Bloody “safari”
19.03.2010 The forest is chopped and in the day-time, and at night
05.03.2010 Delta of Dnepr: bloody ice
22.12.2009 Who after and who against?
10.12.2009 Defended the bay
04.11.2009 Reserve energized
06.10.2009 Soviet Utopia and Kakhovske Sea
06.10.2009 And again on Kakhovska HPP: they lost and were losing
22.09.2009 The zoo was a victim of homeless
28.07.2009 Toilet above a river wave
23.07.2009 Butchery on the protected island
13.07.2009 «A fire blazed up from three sides»
24.06.2009 Vremja bojat'sja ognja
17.06.2009 80 forest fires for four months
09.06.2009 Who will protect «easy» cities?
29.05.2009 Poaching... with a benefit for a health
18.05.2009 You do not chop, fellows, does not chop...
08.05.2009 Sands of pretknoveniya
30.04.2009 Legal illegal trade?
28.04.2009 Who in the forest for firewoods
23.04.2009 Kherson. From semisteppe to steppe is one step!
16.04.2009 Yagorlyckiy kut: does propose on a sale?!
30.03.2009 «Sandy» business under prohibition
24.03.2009 Morport gets over on the left bank
24.03.2009 Why do plavnis burn?
23.03.2009 Give a money on otkachku of water
17.03.2009 In plavnis want to allow trains
05.02.2009 Rubit' derev'ja? Tol'ko s razreshenija uchenyh!
30.01.2009 «Tsar's» village poisons water
13.01.2009 Problem of podtopleniya on control of the state
19.12.2008 Destroyed pine-tree - will not adorn you a new-year house!
02.12.2008 Podtoplenie of Kherson: facts and comments
28.11.2008 A crisis will rescue the desert
27.11.2008 Business wins trees
25.11.2008 Birds emigrated even...
29.10.2008 Relict plavnis cut down already
17.10.2008 Earth leaves from under feet
15.10.2008 To the environmentalists – «neud»
15.10.2008 Birchs lay down under an ax
17.09.2008 Ecological barbarism of po-khersonski
12.09.2008 Rescue deer!
22.07.2008 Naked Pier against Ramsara
22.07.2008 In place of targets – bird
19.06.2008 That Kherson did not become the desert